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Car braking system

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 376.


Task 11


Use the information in the text 'How Parliament makes new laws' to write a report of the process which the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act went through before it was passed into law.



A The following diagram shows the braking system of a car. Use the information it contains (and get further information from textbooks or experts in mechanics if you wish) to write a short text explaining how a car braking system functions. Write a text suitable for schoolchildren in the first year of secondary/high school, taking an introductory science course.


Foot pressure on brake pedal.




Pressure transferred through fluid to four wheels.


Pressure in pistons increased

causing brake shoes to expand.

B Find out as much as you can about a process you are interested in, and write a text explaining it so that an intelligent adult could understand it. Illustrate with a diagram if you wish. When you plan your text, consider:


1 making the text interesting with a variety of sentence types;

2 the need to use sequencers, and which ones to use;

3 choices of active or passive voice, and of tenses.



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