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VOCABULARYDate: 2015-10-07; view: 499. Reading conquer the world - завойовувати світ doubt - сумніватися come true - здійснюватися discover - відкривати, робити відкриття feel smb in (on smth) - вводити в курс справ, надавати інформацію ask smb for smth - просити щось у когось skilled professional - кваліфікований професіонал inspiring job - натхненна робота rewarding job - робота, що приносить задоволення publish - публікувати, видавати publishing company - видавнича компанія care (about) - піклуватися employer - роботодавець apply for a position - претендувати на посаду experience - досвід reference - рекомендація background - підготовка, кваліфікація make sure - пересвідчитись do well at an interview - успішно пройти інтерв'ю supply smb with smth - забезпечувати когось чимось produce a favourable impression - справляти сприятливе враження technique - прийом job advertisement - оголошення про роботу offer a job - пропонувати роботу be on the verge of despair - бути на межі відчаю catch one's eye - попастися на очі, привернути увагу dial - набирати номер line - телефонна лінія the line is engaged - лінія зайнята get through (to smb) - додзвонитися
Read the text. Use the dictionary to help. When you are young and willing to conquer the world, you seldom doubt that all your dreams will come true. Unlike most of her classmates Greta has never let her imagination run away with her. She never wanted to be an astronaut, a movie star, or a fashion model. Her childhood dream was to become a librarian. Since the time she learnt to read Greta has been fanatical about books. They were a constant source of wonder and amazement to her. Books helped her to discover a lot of interesting things about the world around her. Her greatest joy was to spend her 'quality time', as she used to call it, in the school library. She felt at home among bookshelves and could easily find any book the children asked her for. Her best friend at that time was Frau Gunter, the librarian. There was a strong bond between these two - a ten-year-old girl and a skilled professional - a boundless love for books. Now in her final year at university Greta's ambition is to get a job in a publishing company. She would like to have an inspiring and rewarding job. Greta wants to feel she is really doing something worthwhile - if you publish a good book which can help broaden people's mind, you've made a difference. Another thing she cares about is chances of promotion. Greta is very ambitious. She knows that the path to success will not be an easy one but she is ready to give it a go. Her motto is: "You mustn't wait for things to happen. You must go and make them happen." A friend of hers Matilda who works for the Harper Collins Publishers has filled Greta in on what she has to go through before getting a job. In her opinion the most important thing is an interview. It is here that the employer makes a final choice out of six or eight candidates who apply for one position. He will be definitely interested in the qualifications the candidates gained at university and what experience they have had in previous jobs. He will probably ask for references written by the candidates' teachers and employers. He may also want to know about the candidates' background, their interests and hobbies and the reasons for applying for this particular job. He wants to make sure you are the very person he needs. To do well at the interview is a daunting task, indeed. Matilda has even supplied Greta with a list of tips which, she hopes, will help her produce a favourable impression on the interviewers. The list is really invaluable as it sums up Matilda's personal experience of numerous interviews. Well, practical advice on interview techniques might be very helpful only if you have the chance to attend such an interview! And when you can't even find a suitable job, what's the use? Greta looks through the list then thrusts it into one of the books lying on her desk. For the last two months she has studied dozens of job advertisements but none of them offered jobs in a publishing company. Greta was on the verge of despair until one day a tiny advertisement in a local paper caught her eye: Shop assistant. A vacancy for a smart, lively young person. Good prospects. Phone 071-375-4402 for more details. She was about to put the newspaper aside, then thought better of it and dialed the number. The line was engaged. She tried again and again and finally got through. A female voice on the other end of the line said "Heinemann Publishing Company." Heinemann?! It made her heart miss a beat. Heinemann Children's Readers were her first English books. Their series of fiction and nonfiction stories were a delight to Greta and other young learners of English. Her line of thought is interrupted by a polite voice "Heinemann. Good afternoon." The rest of the conversation goes in a daze. Greta's last words are "Thank you. I'll be there." She tries to keep the excitement out of her voice. She has never expected to be so wonderfully, so blissfully happy. In her mind Greta is already beginning to arrange books for display. But that is in the future. Now she has more pressing things to think about. Where on earth has she put that list?
I. Are the following statements true or false? If false, say why. 1. Greta used to be dreamy in her childhood. 2. She has always wanted to be a librarian. 3. Greta has been keen on books for almost fifteen years. 4. Frau Gunter advised Greta to seek a career in publishing. 5. Greta dreams of doing something to change the world for the better. 6. She is very keen to be successful. 7. One of Greta's friends has applied for a job in a publishing house. 8. At the interview the applicant for the job has to impress the interviewer as a well-qualified, experienced person with a wide range of interests. 9. Matilda has given Greta a letter of recommendation to help her at the interview. 10. It is two months since Greta has started looking for a worthwhile job. 11. Greta was overjoyed to hear the name of her favourite publishing company. 12. Heinemann Children's Readers were Greta's first books. 13. Greta has never been so happy before. 14. Greta was so excited that she couldn't find the list of recommendations Matilda had given her.