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Useful Words and Expressions

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 468.


Type of work that someone does:

Job: - the particular activity that someone does regularly in order to earn money.
Profession: - a type of work such as teaching, medicine, or law, for which you need special training and have to pass special examinations.
Occupation: - someone's full-time job.
Business: - the general area of work that you are involved in such as buying and selling a particular type of things.
Trad: - a type of job in which you use hands to do skillful work such as building houses, making furniture, or repairing cars.


Applying for a job: to find a job; to apply for a job; an applicant; to fill in an application (form); to submit an application (form); to go for/to have an interview; to have good qualifications and experience; curriculum vitae (CV).
Having a job: to have a job/to be in work; to have a career in publishing/teaching/journalism, etc.; to be without a job/to be out of work/to be unemployed/to be jobless; to leave/to quit a job; to lose a job; to change a job.
Hours of work: a 9 to 5 job; to do overtime; to work flexitime; a part- (full-)time job.
Payment: salary - money paid every month, especially directly into a bank, especially to people who work in offices or in professional jobs;
wage - money paid each week, especially by handing it directly to the worker, to people who work in factories, shops, restaurants, etc.;
a monthly/weekly/yearly payment; high/low pay; high/low wages; to be underpaid/to be overpaid.
Work benefits: (to get) a bonus; (to receive) a commission;  
fringe benefits: free food or transport/free use of a car/holiday pay/ free health insurance;
to be promoted; to get promotion; increments (in salary); career prospects; a ... % pay rise.  
Adjectives describing jobs: “good” “bad”
challenging creative demanding exciting inspiring interesting rewarding well-paid/highly-paid worthwhile lucrative permanent/temporary steady voluntary boring mundane badly-paid/poorly paid


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