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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 393.

The Perfect Tenses

Unit 8

Looking back

Now that you have finished this unit you should be able to follow a text with a cyclical structure, and decide where to begin when writing a description of a cycle. You should be able to write clear and suitable topic sentences. You should recognize different sentence types: simple, compound and complex; and you should know how to use them appropriately. You should also be able to write complex sentences containing relative clauses of different kinds.



Тема: Триботехника


2. Альтернативный и разделительный вопросы.

3. Уступительные придаточные предложения.

4. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.

5. Математические знаки.


1. Глаголы to be, to have.

2. Сравнительный анализ времен Indefinite и Continuous.

3. Местоимения some, any no и их производные.

4. Грамматический разбор предложений.

5. Вопросительные предложения.


1. Tribology

2. Wear



abrasion абразия, стирание
adhesion слипание, склеивание
almost почти
although хотя; несмотря на то, что
annual ежегодный
approximately приблизительно
at least по крайней мере
bearing подшипник
consumption потребление
dimension размер
domestic внутренний, отечественный, домашний
due to из-за, благодаря
failure to fail авария, повреждение, выход из строя; выходить из строя
fatigue усталость
for для; в течение (перед отрезком времени)
fretting разъедание
gross валовый
huge огромный
lately недавно, за последнее время
layer слой
mode режим
piece кусок, часть, деталь
property свойство
regard внимание, оценка, учет
relative относительный
several несколько
since с (какого-то момента)
to consider считать, полагать
to delay задерживать, откладывать
to eliminate исключать
to exceed превосходить, превышать
to extend extension расширять, простираться; расширение
to gain ground делать успехи, преуспевать
to harden делать твердым, укреплять
to involve включать в себя
to lead (led, led) вести
to lose (lost, lost) loss терять; потеря
to measure измерять
to occur случаться, происходить
to slide скользить
to weaken ослаблять
tolerance допуск
tribology трибология
UK , the Соединенное Королевство (Великобритания)
up to now до сих пор
virtually фактически
without без

I. Вспомните, как переводятся следующие слова:

school; student; peace; money; goods; age; ring; to know (knew, known); wide; full; middle; now; early.

II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, не пользуясь словарем. Обратите внимание на их произношение:

antiquity; aphorism; argumentation; centre; chemistry; committee; container; contribution; corrosion; cyclical; decade; deformation; degradation; discussion; dock; effect; empirical; erosion; expertise; fragment; fretting; lift; limit; manner; mastery; micro; microscope; moment; nanotribology; object; philosophy; plan; principle; progressive; protective; regularly; revolution; sensor; specialist; standard; standardization; to standardize; sum; transfer; tribology; tribological; tribologist; to automate; to diffuse; to formulate; to isolate; to limit; to minimize; to modify; to mount; to plan; to promote; to protect; to recommend;

III. Прочитайте, переведите и попытайтесь запомнить следующие слова:

· существительные

abrasion; adhesion; bearing; consumption; delay; dimension; extension; failure; fatigue; fretting; layer; loss; measure; mode; piece; property; regard; tolerance; tribology;

· прилагательные

annual; domestic; gross; huge; relative;

· глаголы

to consider; to delay; to eliminate; to exceed; to extend; to fail; to gain ground; to harden; to involve; to lead; to lose; to measure; to occur; to slide; to weaken; to wear;

· наречия и предлоги

almost; although; approximately; at least; due to; for; lately; several; since; up to now; virtually; without.

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

a) two or more layers of active electronic components; the effect of weightless environment; the formation of oxide layer; the complex nature of wear; isolated studies of specific wear mechanisms or processes; a significant degree of accuracy; a number of wear tests; the study and application of the principles of friction, lubrication and wear;

b) a spindle movement; a three-dimensional integrated circuit (3D-IC); wear metal expertise; aircraft component failure analysis; threads and gear teeth; the friction, wear and corrosion processes; the surface wear mode; the specified tolerance limits;

c) the station's microgravity environment; sir Frencis Bacon's famous aphorism; a solid surface's external side;

d)with regard for; integrated both vertically and horizontally into a single circuit; the physics of fluids and their activity in microgravity; scientific findings;numerical control (NC); computer numerical controlled (CNC); the UK (the United Kingdom); loss of dimension from plastic deformation; the science and technology of interaction of surfaces in relative motion; failure of material or its loss from the surface; specific standards for testing or measuring a materials wear resistance; annual direct loss to industries due to wear; GDP (Gross Domestic Product);

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