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TribologyDate: 2015-10-07; view: 421. Text A Математические знаки
Tribology is the science and technology of interaction of surfaces in relative motion. It includes the study and application of the principles of friction, lubrication and wear. The term “tribology” has become widely used since 1966, when the UK reported that huge sums of money had been lost annually due to the friction, wear and corrosion processes in industries. With regard for this several national centres for tribology were created in the UK. Since then the term has diffused into the international engineering field and many specialists now consider themselves tribologists. Generally tribology was connected with the study of mechanical engineering disciplines but now it extends into almost all other aspects of modern technology. Lately tribology has involved such knowledge branches as material and components science, physics, chemistry. Tribology plays an important role in manufacturing. The tribological interactions of a solid surface's external side with materials and environment may result in failure of material or its loss from the surface. The process leading to loss of material is known as "wear". The complex nature of wear has delayed its investigations. Up to now there has been no specific standard for testing or measuring a materials wear resistance although a number of wear tests have been developed in an attempt to standardize wear testing for specific applications. But now the different modes of wear are extensively being studied in many research laboratories. Major types of wear include abrasion, adhesion (friction), surface fatigue, fretting wear (which usually occurs in bearings), erosion and corrosion. Annual direct loss to industries in any country due to wear is at least approximately 1-2% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Wear can be minimized by the change of the surface wear mode or by modifying the surface properties of solids by one or more of "surface engineering" processes or by use of lubricants (for frictional or adhesive wear). In metal-forming operations, friction increases tool wear and the consumption of power required to work a piece. This results in increased costs due to more frequent tool replacement and loss of tolerance because the tool dimensions change may exceed the specified tolerance limits. A layer of lubricant which eliminates surface contact virtually eliminates tool wear and decreases needed power by one third. In recent years, micro- and nanotribology have been gaining ground. Frictional interactions in microscopically small components are becoming increasingly important for the development of new products in electronics, life sciences, chemistry, sensors and by extension for all modern technology.
Задания к тексту A: I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие выражения: interaction of surfaces in relative motion; the principles of friction, lubrication and wear; huge sums of money; due to the friction, wear and corrosion processes; the study of mechanical engineering disciplines; such knowledge branches as; material and components science; the tribological interactions of a solid surface's external side; the process leading to loss of material; annual direct loss; GDP (Gross Domestic Product); surface engineering; by use of lubricants; in metal-forming operations; due to more frequent tool replacement; loss of tolerance; by one third; microscopically small components; II. Найдите в предыдущем упражнении английские эквиваленты следующих русских выражений: взаимодействие поверхностей в относительном движении; ВВП (Валовой Внутренний Продукт); трибологическое взаимодействие внешней стороны поверхности твердого тела; изучение дисциплин по машиностроению; микроскопически маленькие компоненты; процесс ведущий к потере материала; в операциях формовки; вследствие процессов трения, износа и коррозии; потери допуска; громадные суммы денег; обработка поверхности; ежегодные прямые потери; на одну треть; такие отрасли знания как; за счет использования смазочных средств; принципы трения, смазки и износа; вследствие более частой замены инструмента; материаловедение. III. Прочитайте предложения. Определите время и залог сказуемых. Поставьте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ: 1. The term “tribology” has become widely used since 1966. 2. The UK reported that huge sums of money had been lost annually due to the friction, wear and corrosion processes in industries. 3. Frictional interactions in microscopically small components are becoming increasingly important. 4. Lately tribology has involved such knowledge branches as material and components science, physics, chemistry. 5. In recent years, micro- and nanotribology have been gaining ground. 6. Since then the term has diffused into the international engineering field and many specialists now consider themselves tribologists. 7. Generally tribology was connected with the study of mechanical engineering disciplines but now it extends into almost all other aspects of modern technology. IV. Сделайте грамматический разбор предложений: 1. Up to now there has been no specific standard for testing or measuring a materials wear resistance although a number of wear tests have been developed in an attempt to standardize wear testing for specific applications. 2. The term “tribology” has become widely used since 1966, when the UK reported that huge sums of money had been lost annually due to the friction, wear and corrosion processes in industries. V. Объясните принципы употребления артиклей, или их отсутствия перед словами, выделенными курсивом: 1. Tribology is the science and technology of interaction of surfaces in relative motion. 2. It includes the study and application of the principles of friction, lubrication and wear. 3. Lately tribology has involved such knowledge branches as material and components science, physics, chemistry. 4. Wear can be minimized by modifying the surface properties of solids by one or more of "surface engineering" processes or by use of lubricants. VII. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы: 1. What is tribology? 2. What does it include? 3. When did the term “tribology” become widely used and why? 4. What was the result of the UK's report? 5. What was tribology generally connected with? 6. What branches of knowledge has tribology lately involved? 7. What is one of the main problems of tribology? 8. Why have the wear investigations been delayed? 9. What are major types of wear? 10. What is approximate annual direct loss due to wear? 11. How can wear be minimized? 12. What does increase tool wear in metal-forming operations? 13. What has been gaining ground in recent years?
VIII. Переведите текст А письменно.