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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 455.

VII. Reading

Задание 4.


Внимательно изучите образец, данный курсивом, а затем, следуя ему, составьте аналогичные предложения из данных слов, добавляя артикли, местоимения, предлоги там, где необходимо.


Образец 1: He is reading a book now. He reads a book every evening.


1. Mother/cook/dinner//cook/day.



2. My sister/lay/table//lay/lunchtime.



3. John and his son/play football// play/Sunday.



4. Roger/make/morning exercises//make/morning.



5. Children/watch/a cartoon film//watch/evening/



Образец 2: He is always complaining about the weather.


1. I/catch/colds.



2. They/quarrel.



3. She/tell/him/he/to be/lazy.



4. They/make/troubles.



5. “You/interrupt/me/I/work.”



Образец 3: The grandchildren are coming to see their grandmother.

1. The children/go/zoo/tomorrow.



2. Betty/come/lunch/in the evening.



3. Mary/go/America/next summer.



4. We/have/party/on Sunday.



5. They/leave for/London/tomorrow.


Задание 1. Прочитайте текст “Is our planet in danger?”. Постарайтесь понять, о чем он. Затем прочитайте еще раз внимательно. Такой метод поможет Вам лучше понять, что Вы читаете и успешно выполнить послетекстовые задания. Слова, помеченные розовым цветом, Вы сможете найти в разделе Vocabulary. Переведите текст.


Man has always regarded himself as the most important species on the earth and has used whatever the planet can provide for his own good. It is only recently that we have begun to question this behaviour and to realize that it cannot continue.

The second half of the twentieth century has seen many dramatic changes in the way we live, particularly in industrialized countries, and our environment is now paying the price for this. Scientists tell us that there are holes in the ozone layer caused by excessive production of CO2; this is likely to lead to a warming of the earth's climate. It is quite conceivable that the polar ice caps will begin to melt and this might well result in large areas of land being flooded. Many people will, consequently, lose their homes and their livelihoods.

The dangers of the warming-up of the earth, or the greenhouse effect as it is called, is something which it is becoming `fashionable` to discuss and worry about. However, there are other less fashionable aspects of the problem which, unless controlled, will lead to dramatic changes in the life of our planet. The destruction of large areas of forests is not only reducing the oxygen supply but destroying the natural habitat of different plants, animals, birds and insects.

Apart from these examples, the animal world has suffered greatly from man's greed. Our attitude seems to be: if we can use an animal either to make money from or to use for our own benefit, then we have the right to do so regardless of whether this causes the species to become extinct.

So, we will have to reassess our way of living and question whether continued growth at the expense of other creatures and of the planet itself is acceptable. Actually, we believe that the worsening situation will in all probability force us to change our behaviour both at an individual and a national level. The developed world, which is responsible for the majority of the environmental problems we are now facing, also has a responsibility to help the underdeveloped countries not make the same mistakes.

And we see now that our exploitation of the earth has already put its survival at risk; but still there is a chance that, if we all work together, we will be able to save our planet from destruction.


Задание 2. Подберите пары слов (словосочетаний), имеющих противоположное значение. Ответ запишите в строку внизу таблицы в виде комбинации цифр и букв.



1. conceivable a) minority
2.warming-up b) to improve
3.destruction c) irresponsible
4.greed d) underestimate
5.benefit e) impossible
6.reassess f) harm
7.acceptable g) cooling
8.to worsen h) creation
9.responsible i) generosity
10.majority j) unacceptable


1 – ___ 2 – ___ 3 – ___ 4 – ___ 5 – ___   6 – ___ 7 – ___ 8 – ___ 9 – ___ 10 – ___  

Задание 3. Подберите правильный вариант и закончите предложения. Правильный вариант выделите синим цветом.


1. Man has always regarded himself as the most important ______________ on the Earth.

a) individual

b) creature

c) species


2. Scientists tell us that there are holes in the ozone layer caused by _______________.

a) space rockets

b) excessive production of CO2

c) jets


3. The dangers of the warming-up on the Earth, or the greenhouse effect is becoming _____________.

a) boring to discuss

b) interesting to discuss

c) fashionable to discuss


4. The destruction of large areas of forests is not only reducing the oxygen supply but _____________.

a) destroying the natural habitat of natural plants, animals, birds and insects

b) warming the Earth's climate

c) causing dramatic changes


5. The animal world has suffered greatly from __________________.

a) man's curiosity

b) man's generosity

c) man's greed


6. We believe that the worsening situation will in all probability force us to change our behaviour both at an individual and __________________.

a) a national level

b) a low level

c) a local level


7. The developed world has a responsibility to help the underdeveloped countries ________________.

a) develop their economics

b) not make the same mistakes

c) control the problems


8. The second half of the twentieth century has seen many dramatic changes in the way we live, particularly in industrialized countries, and our environment is now ______________________.

a) paying the price for this

b) changing for better

c) recovering


9. Our exploitation of the Earth has already ______________________.

a) changed our environment

b) put its survival at risk

c) become acceptable


10. If we work together we will be able ___________________.

a) to change our behaviour

b) to control the dramatic changes in the life of our planet

c) to save our planet from destruction



Задание 4. Закончите предложения.


1. Man has always regarded himself as the most important species on the Earth and _________the planet can provide _________.


2. It is only recently that we have begun to question this behaviour ___________.


3. Scientists tell us that there are holes in the ozone layer _________________.


4. Many people will, consequently, lose____________________.


5. The destruction of large areas of forests is not only reducing the oxygen supply __________________.


6. Apart from these examples, the animal world ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________.


7. So, we will have to reassess our way of living and question whether continued growth __________________.


8. Actually, we believe that the worsening situation will in all probability force us _____________________.


9. The developed world, which is responsible for the majority of the environmental problems we are now facing, also has a responsibility _________________.


10. And we see now that our exploitation of the Earth has already put its survival at risk; but still there is a chance that if we all work together, ____________________.

Задание 5.Прочитайте вопрос к тексту и три варианта ответа на него. Выберите правильный ответ, выделив его синим цветом.


1. What has man always regarded himself as?

a) the master of the Earth,

b) a guest on the planet

c) the most important species on the Earth


2. What is becoming fashionable to discuss and worry about?

a) our water resources

b) extinction of different plants, animals, birds and insects

c) the dangers of the warming up of the Earth or the greenhouse effect.


3. What is the destruction of large areas of forests reducing?

a) the life of our planet

b) the oxygen supply

c) the greenhouse effect


4. What has the animal world suffered greatly from?

a) the greenhouse effect

b) the oxygen supply

c) man's greed


5. What will the worsening situation force us to change?

a) our attitude to forests

b) our attitude to animal world

c) our behaviour both at on individual and a national level.


6. What causes the species to become extinct?

a) oxygen supply reduction

b) greenhouse effect

c) using an animal either to make money from or for our own benefit


7. What might result in large areas of land being flooded?

a) reducing the oxygen supply

b) the destruction of large areas of forests

c) the polar ice caps will begin to melt


8. What are the ozone holes caused by?

a) excessive production of CO2

b) species extinction

c) destruction of forests


9. Why will many people lose their homes and their livelihoods?

a) land being flooded

b) destruction of forests

c) extinction of animals


10. What has put the Earth's survival at risk?

a) our attitude to animals

b) our attitude to the greenhouse effect

c) our exploitation of the Earth


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