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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 430.



Exercise 14 Translate this text into Ukrainian. Write a list of measures that a store-owner should take to prevent shoplifting.

In many of Britain's larger stores, customers are intended to serve themselves. The open shelves and attractive goods mean that people sometimes try to shoplift. This is a major problem. To stop this, many shops have security cameras, electronic stock control and store detectives.

In some shops there may be notices like this:

Shoplifters will be prosecuted.

And people who shoplift and are caught are usually taken to court When the person is a foreign visitor with a lot of money, there is usually a lot of bad publicity. Theft in the high street is a major problem, which makes goods more expensive. Shop owners try their best to stop shoplifting but it seems more goods are taken by people who work in the shops than by shoplifters.

Work in pairs. Imagine you are a store-detective. Tell a journalist about the problem of shop-lifting in your department-store. Use the following words and expressions:

- I'm rather worried about ...

- I've got a lot of problems.

- That's too bad.

- To my mind ...

I think, ...

· Millions of pounds worth of goods are stolen from shops every year. Guess who ends up paying? The customer! Shops have to put up their prices to recover the money they lose from shoplifting.

·Many shops now use hidden security systems to help them catch shoplifters.

· In 1991 there were over 1,219,469 burglaries in England and Wales.

· In 3 out of 10 cases, the burglar didn't even have to use force to get in.

· 23% of all reported crime is burglary.

· Over the last 10 years, the cost of Criminal Legal Aid has trebled.

· The number of criminal prosecutions has fallen by l0%.

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