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Comments for American Beauty (1999)Date: 2015-10-07; view: 729. REVIEW Task 1.Translate into English. 1. Мы хотели купить собственный отдельный дом, хотели, чтобы был большой сад и озеро, но денег нам хватило только на дом на две семьи. 2. Газон перед домом – гордость всех англичан. Газон тщательно стригут и высаживают по дорожкам розы. 3. Прихожая была тёмная и мрачная, и я решила, что нужно переклеить обои – подобрать более светлые. 4. Длинный коридор заканчивался лестницей, ведущей на второй этаж. 5. В Европе мало кто живёт в многоквартирных домах. Большинство людей являются собственниками домов в пригородах. 6. В английских домах количество комнат может быть разным, но традиционно всегда есть небольшая прихожая, кухня, столовая, гостиная, ванная, туалет, пара кладовок, одна или несколько спален. 7. В домах, где есть дети, желательно сделать детскую. Там должна быть особая мебель и хорошее освещение. 8. К гостиной примыкает столовая, которая, в свою очередь, соединена с кухней. 9. Нужно покрыть кафелем не только стены в ванной и туалете, но и ту стену на кухне, где расположена мойка. 10. Я предпочитаю электрическую плиту газовой – её гораздо легче мыть, да и вытяжка не очень нужна. 11. На полках я храню фарфор, а в этих ящиках – столовые приборы. Запоминай, что куда класть. 12. Комната так заставлена мебелью, что трудно подойти к окну. 13. У Гаррисонов очень просторная четырёхкомнатная квартира в центре города. Она прекрасно отделана и обставлена. 14. Надо бы сделать ремонт – “освежить” потолки, настелить паркет вместо линолеума и поклеить моющиеся обои. 15. Такие яркие цветастые занавески не годятся для спальни. Нужно выбрать более спокойную расцветку. 16. Это комнатное растение у окна загораживает свет. Переставь его в угол. 17. Мы живём в этом девятиэтажном доме. Район нам не нравится, хотелось бы куда-нибудь переехать. 18. Я не смогла бы жить в деревне, так как не могу обходиться без удобств – водопровода, горячей воды, мусоропровода, центрального отопления, телефона. 19. Раньше все гостиные в наших квартирах были похожи одна на другую – стенка, журнальный столик, диван и кресла, телевизор и стереосистема. 20. В Англии никогда не вешают ковры на стены, их кладут только на пол.
*Task 2. Look at these ads for different types of accommodation. If you had the freedom to choose (and unlimited resources), which of them would interest you? Why? Which would you definitely not choose? Discuss your choice in groups. Here are some phrases to help you:
Language material for expressing likes, dislikes and preferences:
Task 3. Make up lists of active vocabulary units you could use answering each of these questions. 1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word ”home”? 2. Where do you live? What kind of place is it? (neighbourhood, surroundings, type of housing) 3. Do you like the location of your home? 4. What is your favourite thing about your home? 5. Is there anything you don't like about your home? What things would you like to have done to improve your room, flat or house? 6. Which is better: the city or the country? Why do you think so? 7. Would you rather live in a house or an apartment? Why? 8. British people pay a lot of attention to the housing. Why is it so important for them? 9. Can you find any similarities and differences in the types of housing and attitude to it in Britain and in Russia? (Think about types of houses, prices, size, etc.) 10. Would you prefer to live in Britain, in Russia, or somewhere else? What kind of accommodation would you choose? 11. Would you like to live in someplace posh (like Rublevka) in Russia or in rather modest conditions abroad? Why? 12. What place would you never want to live in? Why? (Think about location, type of housing and modern conveniences.) 13. Do you like being at home alone? Would you like to have a place of your own? 14. If you were going to buy / rent a house or a flat, what characteristics you would consider? 15. What will the design of your own home be like? 16. Do you often do housework? If not, would you do it in your own home? 17. Are you “a house and home” person or a going out person? 18. Do you ever feel homesick when you are far away from your place and family? 19. Do you agree that “home is where the heart is”? 20. Comment on the quotation and draw the conclusion of your talk: “There is no place like home”. Task 4. Do the following practice tasks to revise the vocabulary of the unit. 1. Describe, in as much detail as possible, the most beautiful bedroom you can imagine. 2. Describe the poorest-looking house you remember seeing or being in. 3. Write the opening paragraph of your latest short story, in which you describe your feelings as you revisit the house in which you grew up, now much changed. (Try to remember as well the vocabulary of unit 1 – “The weather. Moods”.)
Task 5.Write the final topic using questions from task 3 above as a plan. Get ready to present your topic in class.
1. I don't think this was a bad film, but I resent having it compared to such great films as Ordinary People, Kramer Vs. Kramer, and Terms of Endearment. Those movies dealt with real characters, with real world problems. The only grounded characters in American Beauty are the gay couple down the street. I don't understand why this movie has been treated as "The Darling of 1999". I realize that all of these situations exist in today's world, but to have them all in one family is a little too far-fetched for me. American Beauty was a distant third behind The Green Mile and The Sixth Sense for my Oscar choice.
2. I belong to the small group that dislike the movie. I really do not understand the enthusiastic reviews. OK, the performances were not bad, but Kevin Spacey made better movies and Annette Bening can not give more to her part. But the story, how many times have we seen such a one!!! Some jokes, a few funny scenes, attempt at psychological profile. There was only a bittersweet taste I felt when I left the cinema.
3. It's rare that a simple drama/comedy could be so memorable, but American Beauty seems to have that ability. I'm not sure exactly what it is- maybe it's the wonderful script, the witty dialogue, the deadpan humour, or the flawless cast and direction- maybe it's a mixture of all these elements. I can't remember a more satisfying film in recent years. Everything about this movie oozes class. I saw all the Best Picture Oscar nominees this year, and I don't think anyone can legitimately argue that it has not been worthy of at least some of the praise and awards it has received. The Academy should have recognised Wes Bentley's performance. He was a real scene stealer and the movie wouldn't have been the same without him. Undoubtedly a 5 star movie.
4. American Beauty is a strikingly original, nearly flawless film, that work on so many levels. Unlike The Star Wars Episode 1, with American Beauty the viewer can only walk into the cinema expecting a good film, but one they can not expect what it's going to be like, or even what genre it is. The film had this strange effect on you, after you leave the cinema, you don't realise that you've just seen an incredible masterpiece of a film. While I was watching the film, I was thrown in all directions, I felt a million different emotions. I could see that Mendes was a gifted filmmaker, and as a playwright I think he has the ability to combine tragedy with comedy, and create a totally disarming film. American Beauty is definetely not for all tastes. If you are over 45 you may find it depressing and very hard to watch. For anyone under 30 you've got a real special film here, with a message so deep it may take you two viewings to find it.
5. Would you like to see a movie that features the following scenes set in a small town? An old man successfully seduces an underage girl. A wife exuberantly commits adultery. Nude teens have sex, barely hours after meeting. A person blackmails his employer, without cause. A teen drug dealer is a hero. A teen girl runs off to New York with the drug dealer, because they can make more money selling drugs there. After these, and other, graphic scenes, it was almost a relief to view a bloody murder with a handgun. At least we knew the movie was almost over. What movie is this? American Beauty. This movie is acclaimed and nominated for seven Academy Awards. Worse, this movie is presented to us by Hollywood as a documentary of ordinary life in a small town. I reject the notion that this represents day-to-day life around us. Unfortunately, it seems believable, and will be a role model for our youth.
6. Kevin Spacey is tops[2], as are Thora Birch (as the daughter), Mena Suvari (as her friend), and Wes Bentley (as the spying neighbor). But the charismatic Peter Gallagher is wasted in an ill-defined role, as is Chris Cooper, whose psycho military dad is more cartoon than genuine. And Annette Bening contributes her first boo-hiss performance as the always-cranky[3] wife.
7. I don't know why people rant their souls out and almost kill each other for liking (more often) or disliking the film. It's neither somewhat revolutionary and unstandably truthful, nor is it stereotypical and fake, it's only good. But it's plain good, it's very very very good, actually. But that's all there is to it. It's very enjoyable, though the pace is rather slow, it's satire and the characters are intriguing. I have to disagree with those who say the characters are one-dimensional, it's a lie. It's just that we are rather supposed to have fun with them than to examine their wounded souls. Great performances by Kevin Spacey and Chris Cooper, and also the rest of the cast does very fine jobs. The emotions are rather restricted and true, and the dialogue is fantastic. Not those annoying monologues that seem to be supposed to be cool. Only the things that have to be said, plus jokes that hit.
8. This is a debut for director Sam Mendes and an amazing achievement. The director and screenwriter have equipped Burnham with something as rare as an opening monologue – not a play-by-play but more of a fairy tale introduction – a major spoiler none the same. To top that off, the best scenes are courtesy of some splendid and intertwined dreamy passages – thick and rich on symbolism and both sexy and surreal – that blend in effortlessly. This is ambiguous and successful filmmaking containing an original cinematic spark. However, you'll be disappointed if you go in expecting the movie to come up with any new angles or answers. American Beauty is a movie much in the vein[4] of the late 90s – a product of the time it was made in – as it revolves around a general rebellion against all forms of normality and basic consumerism. Nothing more, nothing less. Some characters are as deep as cereal bowls. The message being nothing more than a Nike commercial; ‘Just Do It'.
9. Listen folks: American Beauty is a masterpiece – for various reasons of which I'd like to mention a few. First of all there are just a couple of movies that contain so many "magic moments": Scenes to remember for a long, long time after you left the cinema. Scenes which instantly come to your mind when thinking of a movie. Scenes like these: Angela lying in the bathtub full of rose petals. Lester driving in his car, smoking pot and loudly singing "American Woman". Colonel Fitts, soaking wet, entering Lester's garage. The love scene between Lester and his "object of beauty", ending with Angela's confession. Not to forget the plastic bag dancing in the wind, a magic moment that might make film history. Apart from that, American Beauty shows us the dark voids that lie under the squeaky[5] clean surface of the middle-class homes. It opens our eyes for the beauty in life. It makes us think whether happiness really lies in an Italian designer sofa and a bungalow with a swimming-pool or maybe rather in the golden brown leaves falling from a tree on an autumn day. Or in the faces of the persons we love.
1. To gain a better understanding of the words fill in the chart with the words' other parts of speech.
2. Translate the sentences below using the vocabulary of the two previous exercises.
1. The director was chastised for the poor story. 2. Leading actors are always patronized by many critics and journalists. 3. Speaking my mind, the script of his last film is distinctly mediocre. 4. The old cottages, in the final scene, were prettified to look like holiday homes. 5. Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising. 6. All, what this actor needs is a new impetus. 7. The keeping of the proprieties is as indispensable as clean linen. 8. Once again the theatre was her only sanctuary. 9. There are no constraints on your choice of subject for the essay. 10. See if you can pin the producer down as to the exact date of the film premiere. 11. The director has made a virtue of the film's limited budget. 12. You must cultivate people who can help you in the project.
3. Match the collocations to restore the original meanings and render their context in the text above. e. g.