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End up – окончиться, прекратиться, очутиться.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 639.

To spend/waste (time, money) on – тратить(зря тратить) время, деньги на кого-либо или что-либо

For instance - например

To recover from – приходить в себя, оправиться от чего-либо

To be popular with – быть популярным среди кого-то

Classmate; roommate; officemate; seatmate


regular (a) - 1) правильный, нормальный, регулярный;

They`ve been meeting on a regular basis.

regular features –правильные черты лица.

He was very handsome with strong regular features.

a regular (n) – постоянный посетитель, клиент, завсегдатай;

solve (v)- 1) решать, разрешать, объяснять;

We can help you solve your financial problems.

He hopes to solve the mystery of the plane`s disappearance.

solution (n) - 1) решение, разрешение;

UN leaders are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

solution to a puzzle - ключ к загадке.

quick- fix solution – быстрое решение проблемы



Word combinations:

in the end = finally

EX.7Match the words from the list of the Active Vocabulary to their meanings on the right


a. regular b. solution c. gambler d. addicted e. win f. cause g. income h. local i. according to j. mate 1.an event, thing, or person that makes something happen 2.unable to stop taking in illegal and harmful drug 3. a friend 4. money that someone gets from working or from investing money 5. the answer to a question in a puzzle, crossword etc 6. arranged so that there is the same amount of time between events 7. someone who lives in a particular place 8. someone who is ready to take risks in order to be very successful 9. used for saying where information or ideas have come from 10. to defeat everyone else by being the best or by finishing first in a competition  


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Unit 2A | EX.9 Replace the words in italics using Active vocabulary
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