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Ex.70 Read the two extracts A and В from newspaper stories. Use your imagination to answer the questions.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 926.

Ex.69 Find these words in the article and match them to the definitions 1-6.

Ex.68 Read the article again and put these events in the correct order.

a) He bought a new house.

b) He had a car accident in the mountains.
c) He was burnt at a petrol station.
d) He was hit by a bus.

e) He was in a plane crash.
f) He won the lottery.

g) His bus fell into a river.

h) His train fell into a river.


ploughed into rails haystack   exploded corpses sprayed  


1 crashed into

2 suddenly caught fire with a loud noise

3 threw liquid over something

4 dead bodies

5 the lines that a train runs on

6 large pile of dried grass


When the ambulance arrived at Mrs Porter's flat, she was lying by the front door crying and in a terrible state. A few minutes later, the paramedics found her two-year old grandson, Reuben, playing behind a tree in the garden. They couldn't believe he was still alive.

1 Why had the ambulance gone to the flat?

2 Why was Mrs Porter crying?

3 Why couldn't the paramedics believe that the boy was still alive?



Hundreds of officers from the Manchester police force began to look for the two men, Martin and Eric Visser. They were surprised to receive a telephone call from the governor of the local prison, saying that he had the two young men.


1 What had the two young men done?

2 How had they got into the prison?

3 Why had they gone there?


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Ex.67 Read the article to find out if any of your ideas were correct. | A lucky break?
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