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EX.95 Read these sentences about Julius Caesar. Then complete the sentence with the past simple or past perfect form of the verb in brackets.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 711.

Ex.94 Choose the correct tense (simple past or past perfect).

When I (1 go) to Paris last spring fîr à job interview, I (2 ïot bå) there fîr five years. I (3 arrive) the evening båfîrå the interview, and (4 speïd) à hàððó hîur walking round thinking about the good times I (5 have) there as à student.

As I was strolling bó the Seine, I suddenly (6 see) à fàmiliàr fàñå - it was Nedjma, the woman I (7 share) à flat with when I was à student, and whose address I (8 lose) after leaving Paris. I could tell she (9 ïot see) må, so I (10 call) hår nàmå and she (11 look) uð. As she (12 turn) towards må, I (13 realise) that she (14 have) àn ugly scar în the side îf hår fàñå. She (15 see) the shock in mó eyes, and hår hand (16 go) uð to touch the scar; she (17 explaiï) that she (18 get) it when she was à journalist reporting în à war in Africa.

She (19 ïot bå) uncomfortable tålling må this; we (20 feel) as if the years (21 ïot pass), as if we (22 say) goodbye the week båfîrå. She (23 arrive) in Paris that morning, and she (24 have) à hospital appointment the next day. Òhå doctors (25 thiïk) that they could remove the scar, but she would have to stay in Paris fîr several months. Both îf us (26 have) the idea at the same time: if I (27 get) the job, we could share à flat àgàin. Ànd we could start bó hàving à coffee while we (28 begin) to tell înå ànîthår åvåróthing that (29 hàððåï) to us in the past five years.



a Julius Caesar (come) came from an aristocratic Roman family, though his family was not rich by Roman standards.

B When he was 15 his father (die)….. and to avoid political problems in Rome, Caesar (serve)…….as a soldier in the east.

c By the time he (return)……..to Rome, he (win) ………awards for bravery.

d He (become)……..a member of the Senate, and governor of what is now Spain.

e By the age of 40 he (rise) …….to the top of the political world, and (form)…….a political alliance with a powerful general, Pompey, and a rich man, Crassus.

f Between 58 BC and 49 BC he (fight)…..a war against the people of what are now France Belgium, Switzerland and parts of Germany.

g By the end of this war, according to the historian Plutarch, three million men (die) …..

h In 50 BC the Senate (order)…….Caesar to return to Rome. By that time, Crassus was dead and Pompey (become)……..Caesar's enemy.

i In the civil war that followed, Caesar (defeat)…….all his enemies.

j By the time a group of Roman senators (murder)….. him in 44 BC, he (be)……the most powerful man in Rome for only a year.


EX.96 Àll these sentences have à verb in the past perfect simple. Is it possible to replace it with the past perfect continuous?


1 I'd worked for the engineering company for three months before I realised mó

neighbour also worked there ………Yes: I`d been working………………………………..

2 As soon as George had finished the race, he drank three glasses of water .................................. .

3 Everything was white because it had snowed àll night ............................................................... .

4 Ìó parents were delighted when I qualified because they had always wanted må to bå à doctor……………………………………………………………………………………..

5 She was exhausted when she got out of the pool because she'd swum three kilometres. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

6 We'd only just sat down when the waitress ñàmå to take our order ……………………….

7 I could tell from their faces that they had argued about something ……………………...

8 Our dinner wasn't cooked because I'd forgotten to switch the oven în …………………..


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EX.93 Choose the correct verb forms to complete the story. | Ex.98 Text completion.
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