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Post-reading tasks

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 462.

Task 4.Search the text for the words and collocations which mean the same:

  1. a small round lump of a dairy product made of cream that is usually eaten with bread or toast ___________
  2. another option of a meal that is not so filling ___________
  3. to first appear somewhere ___________
  4. to choose sth that fits you better ___________
  5. a dish that a region is very well known for and that you usually can't get elsewhere ___________
  6. a large and very good morning meal ___________
  7. a substance which is usually used for making bread rise ___________
  8. a popular dish which originally comes from a different region or country ___________
  9. the main part of sth ___________
  10. sth which is best of what you did to improve sth ___________

Task 5.Imagine you are a manager in the Advertising Department in a fashionable London hotel. It is rather expensive to stay at this hotel and so you have to find the way to attract guests. You know that everything that is regarded to be traditional is very popular with tourists these days. So, taking into account that breakfast is usually included in the price of a hotel room, you decide that Traditional British Breakfast is your best bet. Write a short piece of information for a holiday brochure advertising the new service your hotel is offering this season. Work in pairs or small groups. Use as much vocabulary of the text as you can. Share your adverts with the class and vote for the best one.


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BRITISH BREAKFAST | Pre-reading tasks
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