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EX.14 Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 448.

EX.13 Study the following phrases and use them in sentences of your own.


1. Her sole aim in being here was to kill some time.

2. The children were looking for some dangerous experience.

3. I hope you will win in this competition.

4. I found his talk on Egypt extremely interesting.

5. He wants to examine how the human brain will function under these circumstances.

6. She put her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.

7. The flood victims received money and clothes from several organizations that help people.

8. The queen will hold the opening ceremony on Saturday.

9. We marked her birthday with the party.

10. They made a final attempt to save the company from bankruptcy.

11. She has an unbelievably good house.

12. The Roman Empire lived for several centuries.

13. It is very uncommon for her to miss classes.

14. I hope I did not offend her feelings.


On purpose; with the purpose of; to be celebrated for; to rescue smb from; at the end of; to run up to smb; it is a way of doing; to be sponsored by; to give up; on your own; to have/take a look at; in the wild; in a search of/for; in time; details of; to sort out; to get over one`s injury; to see smb off; to come across; on the way; to arrive in/at; to raise money for charity; to turn for home; to drop off; to pick up; to post photos of one`s journey on the website;

1. You shouldn`t be (…) your own at this time of night.

2. The committee is involved (…) a search (…) solutions (…) key international problems.

3. They think the fire was started (…) purpose.

4. He went there (…) the purpose (…) making business contacts.

5. Scientific research is sponsored (…) international organization Earthwatch.

6. The little boy ran (…) (…) me and asked (…) help.

7. You are going (…) holiday (…) the end (…) this month, aren`t you?

8. The garden became celebrated (…) its exotic plants.

9. Most (…) us have never seen elephants (…) the wild.

10. I am afraid, he`ll never get (…) this injury.

11. Have you ever come (…) such a horrible person (…) all your life?

12. We got to the airport just (…) time to check (…).

13. Economists fear a recession is (…) the way.

14. They gave (…) and turned (…) home.

15. Her parents arrived (…) America (…) 1926.

16. We need your help to raise money (…) urgent medical research.

17. Is there any way (…) contacting you while you are (…) Africa?

18. Can I take a look (…) your new skateboard?

19. Giving (…) his job was the last thing we expected him to do.

20. What are the details (…) their business trip?

21. He arrived (…) England and posted photos (…) his journey (…) his personal website.

22. We saw Terry (…) (…) the station.

23. Investigators are still trying to sort (…) why this accident happened.

24. He had been trying to rescue a young woman (…) an arranged marriage (…) an elderly relative.

25. Can you drop the kids (…) (…) school this morning?

26. Will you pick me (…) after the party?

<== previous lecture | next lecture ==>
Ex.11 Fill in the gaps with active words and expressions | Ex.16 Translate the following sentences using your active vocabulary.
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