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At the pet shop

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 494.

How many names of animals can you find in this word puzzle?








17. Choose any two animals and write a short descrip­tion. Use the prompts.

Example: A giraffe has got a very long neck...

Elephant: very big body/big ears/thick legs/small tail.

Horse: long tail/big body/long legs/long neck.

Bear: big body/thick neck/small ears/thick legs.

18. Read the dialogue and translate it. What comical is there? What can you say about customer?

Shop Assistant: Good afternoon, madam. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. I'm looking for a pet for my grandson.

Shop Assistant: What kind of pet does he want? A traditional pet... a cat or a dog? Or something exotic?

Customer: Well, you know, he is a very strange boy, he likes snakes. But I hate them, they are very dangerous!

Shop Assistant: We've got a nice poodle at the moment.

Customer: A poodle? Is it big?

Shop Assistant: Yes, it is, madam.

Customer: I don't like big dogs. They are savage.

Shop Assistant: Oh, no, madam, not this one. It's very kind. Last week we had a small dog. It was only as big as your handbag, but it was as savage as a tiger. It bit me three times!

Customer: Perhaps not a dog, then.

Shop Assistant: How about a cat?

Customer: A cat? Hmm... they aren't as friendly as dogs, are they?

Shop Assistant: No, but they don't eat as much as dogs either. And they're very clean. They wash them­selves every day.

Customer: Hmm...

Shop Assistant: Or how about a bird?

Customer: Birds are too noisy, aren't they? I want a quiet pet.

Shop Assistant: A quiet pet? Well, how about a goldfish? It's as quiet as a mouse…

Customer: A mouse? Have you got mice? I think I'll buy a pretty little mouse for my grandson.


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Complete the sentences with one of the words from Ex. 9. | Read the text and underline by the way most important sentences.
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