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Part 2. River ProfilesDate: 2015-10-07; view: 411. Dendritic Drainage Pattern Dendritic Drainage Pattern of Diamantina River, Queensland, Australia, is typical of river development in areas where the underlying rocks are relatively uniform in their resistance to erosion. This pattern may be modified by continued down-cutting of the river.
Statements: 1. The strongest force of erosion is running water. 2. There is no water in deserts. 3. Running water carry away rock fragments with it. 4. A billion tons of water may be dropped by a single shower. 5. Raindrops in the shower aren't important in erosion. 6. Running water carries its load of rock debris only in suspension. 7. The carrying power of a stream is enormously increased in time of flood. 8. Water passes through a cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. 9. The hydrosphere is estimated to include over 400 million cubic miles of water, about 99 percent of which is in the oceans. 10. The velocity of the stream depends on the precipitation level. 11. The gradient of the river never varies. 12. Dendritic Drainage Pattern of Diamantina River, Queensland, Australia, is typical of river development in areas where the underlying rocks are relatively similar in their resistance to erosion.
Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher: Vocabulary: equilibrium [‚i:kwi'libriəm] – áàëàíñ, ðàâíîâåñèå volume ['vɔljum] – îáú¸ì, ìàññà, ¸ìêîñòü graded profile ['greidid 'prəufail] – ñïóñêàþùèéñÿ âíèç âèä ñáîêó ultimately ['ʌltimitli] – â îñíîâå, â êîðíå, â êîíå÷íîì ñ÷¸òå ultimate ['ʌltimitli] – îêîí÷àòåëüíûé depositional [‚depə'zi∫(ə)nəl] – íàíîñíîé, îñàäî÷íûé downward ['daunwəd] – ñïóñêàþùèéñÿ, íèñõîäÿùèé, âíèç, ïî íèñõîäÿùåé ëèíèè downcut ['daunkʌt] v. – âðåçàòü(ñÿ) appreciably [ə'pri:∫iəbli] – îùóòèìî, çàìåòíî, ñóùåñòâåííî constitute ['kɔnstitju:t] v. – ñîñòàâëÿòü, îñíîâûâàòü local base levels ['ləuk(ə)l beis 'levl] – ëîêàëüíûé óðîâåíü label ['leibl] v. – ïðèêðåïëÿòü ÿðëûê, êàòåãîðèçèðîâàòü, îòíîñèòü ê êàêîé-ëèáî êàòåãîðèè maturity [mə'tjuəriti] – ñïåëîñòü, çðåëîñòü imply [im'plai] v. – ïðåäïîëàãàòü, íåÿâíî âûðàæàòü, çíà÷èòü, èìåòü ââèäó, íàìåêàòü misleading [mis'li:diŋ] – ââîäÿùèé â çàáëóæäåíèå tend [tend] v. – èìåòü òåíäåíöèþ, ñêëîíÿòüñÿ, òÿãîòåòü, èìåòü ñêëîííîñòü assume [ə'sju:m] v. – ïðèíèìàòü, áðàòü íà ñåáÿ approach [ə'prəut∫] v. – ïðèáëèæàòüñÿ upstream ['ʌpstr:m] – â ïðîòèâîïîëîæíîì íàïðàâëåíèè portion ['pɔ:∫(ə)n] – äîçà, ïîðöèÿ, ÷àñòü waterfall ['wɔ:təfɔ:l] – âîäîïàä steep-sided valley [sti:p 'saidid 'væli] – äîëèíà ñ êðóòûìè îòêîñàìè (áåðåãàìè, êðàÿìè) irregular course [i'regjulə kɔ:s] – íåïðàâèëüíîå òå÷åíèå (íàïðàâëåíèå, êóðñ) tributary ['tribjut(ə)ri] – ïðèòîê (ðåêè) erosion [i'rəuჳ(ə)n] – ýðîçèÿ, ðàçðóøåíèå, ðàçìûâàíèå transportation [‚trænspɔ:'tei∫(ə)n] – ïåðåâîçêà, òðàíñïîðòèðîâêà underlying ['ʌndəlaiiŋ] – îñíîâíîé, ëåæàùèé â îñíîâå, ïðåèìóùåñòâåííûé smooth [smu:ð] – ãëàäêèé, ðîâíûé, ñêîëüçêèé topography [tɔ'pɔgrəfi] – òîïîãðàôèÿ feature ['fi:t∫ə] – îñîáåííîñòü, õàðàêòåðíàÿ ÷åðòà, äåòàëü deposition [‚depə'zi∫(ə)n] – îòëîæåíèå, îñàäîê, îòñòîé load [ləud] – ãðóç, òÿæåñòü, íîøà sluggishly ['slʌgi∫li] – ëåíèâî, ìåäëåííî meandering pattern [mi'ænd(ə)riŋ 'pætən] – èçâèëèñòûé ðèñóíîê/ ìîäåëü/ îáðàçåö ox-bow lake ['ɔksbəu leik] – âûñîõøàÿ ðåêà, ñòàðèöà sand bar [‚sænd 'ba:] – ïåñ÷àíàÿ îòìåëü baseline ['beislain] – èñõîäíàÿ/ áàçèñíàÿ ëèíèÿ longitudinal profile [‚lɔndჳi'tju:d(ə)nəl 'prəufail] – ïðîäîëüíûé âèä ñáîêó dolomite ['dɔləmait] – ìèí. äîëîìèò hint [hint] – íàì¸ê course [kɔ:s] – òå÷åíèå
Exercise 5. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:
A. Nouns: 1. equilibrium a. place where the waters of the river drop vertically 2. volume b. burden or weight; amount carried 3. maturity c. steadiness or stability 4. load d. the state of being fully developed or ripen 5. water-fall e. stream or river which is flowing into the larger one 6. tributary f. size of the space occupied by something
B. Verbs: 1. to constitute a. to indicate by hinting; suggest; mean 2. to imply b. to form or compose 3. to tend c. to take to be true without proof 4. to assume d. to come nearer 5. to approach e. to mark an object to show its ownership 6. to label f. to go in the direction of; to be inclined Exercise 6. Read and translate the following expressions: direction and shape of stream courses; an equilibrium between the slope and volume; erosional and depositional power; seasonal and geologic changes; ultimate base level; certain characteristics; mature or youthful Exercise 7. Read the text “River Profiles” and find in it the words with the following meanings to fill in the crossword below:
2. small river 3. soil destruction 4. at the end; having no possibility of further change 5. boundary or edge 6. of the same height as something else 7. ability to do or act; particular form of energy