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What is the Xingu?

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 600.

What forms the surface in the lower reaches of the river?

What is the Tocantins?

Where does the sombre forests appear?

What is anabranchs?

a. lakes b. tributaries ñ. multiple channels d. islands

a. from the Rio Negro to Serpa b. opposite the river Madeira

ñ. near the Óbidos cliffs d. from the Amazon to the Negro

a. the Amazon's tributary b. the coastline of the Atlantic

ñ. the cliffs of the Obidos d. the drainage area of the Amazon Basin

a. highlands b. lowlands ñ. table-topped hills d. rainforest massive

a. the plateau b. the river ñ. the bluff d. the mountain range


Exercise 12. Read the following text “Wildlife” and fill in the diagram given below:


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A NASA satellite image of a flooded portion of the river. | Characins, such as the piranha species, are prey for the Giant Otter, but these aggressive fish may also pose a danger to humans.
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