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Make sure you know these words before you listen to the conversation on the tape. Read the underground of the story.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 456.


Match proper definitions to the following words.

salary warning about leaving a job;
position body representing workers in case of labour problems;
board of directors collective body of managers;
problem person's place or rank to other, in employment or society;
trade union payment made or received for regular work ; paid weekly;
wage monthly payment for employment;
notice some difficulty to be solved or discussed;
steward man who attends to the needs of passengers in a ship or airliner.


definite – îñòàòî÷íèé, âèçíà÷åíèé
to succeed – ìàòè óñï³õ
to have the men behind – ìàòè ï³äòðèìêó ðîáî÷èõ
to get word – óçíàòè, îòðèìàòè ïîâ³äîìëåííÿ
strong possibility – âåëèêà ³ìîâ³ðí³ñòü
to put out of business – âèò³ñíÿòè ç á³çíåñó
we have got to … – ìè ìàºìî…
to afford – äîçâîëÿòè (ñîá³)
immediately – íåãàéíî
process men – ðîáî÷èõ, ðîá³òíèêè
to speed up – ïðèñêîðèòè
to select – âèáèðàòè
in turn – ó ñâîþ ÷åðãó
the same pay – òà æ ïëàòà
to meet production targets – âèêîíóâàòè âèðîáíè÷å çàâäàííÿ
double rate – ïîäâ³éí³ ðîçö³íêè
loan agreement – ìîæëèâ³ñòü îòðèìàííÿ ïîçèêè
to delay a discussion – â³äêëàñòè îáãîâîðåííÿ
to find smb's feet – îñâî¿òèñÿ ç ñèòóàö³ºþ

Paul Osman (Sales Manager of Jayal Motors) and Jack Lom (Production Manager) are talking in Paul's office before going to speak to the workers about the prospects of exporting and the supposed changes in the working conditions.


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Complete the sentences with the facts from the text. | A) Consider the examples of direct and reported speech below.
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