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Curriculum Vitae (автобіографія)
Date: 2015-10-07; view: 476.
B) Use these clues to fill in the puzzle and find the hidden word. You can find all the words in the job advertisements above.
1. An unfilled job.
2. Working less than the regular number of hours a week.
3. Working for a limited period of time.
4. The necessary skill, ability or knowledge (often referring to academic examinations).
5. Meeting to decide whether a person is suitable for a job.
6. Knowledge or skill which comes from practice.
7. Working for an unlimited period of time
8. A course of instruction, teaching.
9. Working a regular number of hours a week.
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Colin Brown
D.o.b.: 1 April 1962
Married, no children
1973–78 Vacoas High School, Zana
1979 to present – Chalmers Engineering Co., Dabu
Mr. C. Pickering, Vacoas High School, Zana
Dr. D. Clarke, Dabu Technical College, Dabu
Mr. J. Chalmers, Chalmers Engineering Co.,
Address: 21 Lamberty Road
School leaving certificate
Diploma in machine maintenance
and operation
At Chalmers I have worked mainly on the production line and done a small amount of maintenance work. It is a small company and there is little chance of promotion or variety. I would prefer to work in an expanding company where I would have the opportunity of putting my technical skills to good use. For personal reasons I would like to live in Zana.
| Notes:
D.o.b.= Date of birth
| – дата народження
| high school
| – середня школа
| 1986 to present
| – з 1986 року по цей час
| references
| – рекомендації
| aims
| – професійні плани