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Guess the meaning of the words by the corresponding explanations. Use them in the sentences in the correct form.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 444. Match the words and phrases with the ones of the opposite meaning. Learn to pronounce these words. Read the following international words and guess their meaning. capital; person; security; creditor; private; partner; partnership; investor; investment; limit; proportion; proportionately.
loan [lǝun]; overdraft ['ǝuvǝdra:ft]; security [si'kjuǝrǝti]; collateral [kǝlætǝrǝl]; proprietor [prǝ'praiǝtǝ]; propriety [prǝ'praiǝti]; liable ['laiǝbl]; liability [¸laiǝ'bilǝti]; share [ʃ'eǝ]; shareholder ['ʃeǝhouldǝ]; majority [mǝdʒɔrǝti]; equty ['ekwǝti]; ratio ['reiʃiǝu]; proportionately [prǝ'pɔ:ʃntǝli].
A. 1. start; 2. to borrow; 3. to give; 4. to sell; 5. private; 6. sometimes; 7. limited; 8. more; 9. majority; 10. to obtain capital; 11. meaning B. 1. less; 2. low; 3. to lend; 4. minority; 5. to take; 6. to finish; 7. never; 8. to buy; public; 10. general; 11. to pay back.
1. to get something on the understanding that it is to be returned: Can you advise what bank I can _______________ money from? 2. responsible according to law: It's important to remember that proprietors are _____ to their creditors. 3. a lent sum of money: Money can be burrowed from the bank in the form of _____. 4. something valuable given as a guarantee for the payment of a loan: I don't think you can borrow such a sum of money from the bank without a ____. 5. person to whom one owes money: Running away from ___ is illegal. 6. to cause worry, discomfort or inconvenience: The problem discussed at the meeting ___ him greatly. 7. worry, difficulty, problem: Running away from the creditors can get a person into ___. 8. a kind of a joint business: A ___ is a business run by two or more people. 9. owner of shares: The amount of the investment determines the liability of a ___. 10. payment which must be, but has not yet been paid to somebody: Charles Dickens' farther was put to prison for ___. (1. partnership; 2. creditor; 3. liable; 4. trouble; 5. loan; 6. to borrow; 7. debt; 8. security; 9. to trouble; 10. shareholder)