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Make sure you can understand these words before you listen to the conversation on the tape. Read the underground of the story.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 561.


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of business organization.

Say if these statements are true or false. Correct false statements.


a) 1. Sole proprietorships are owned by one person.

2. In a sole proprietorship the owner isn't liable to his investors.

3. If a venture is a failure and the owner cannot cover the loss, the owner must pay the bills.

4. In sole proprietorships the owner cannot make their decisions quickly.

5. The taxes are higher than in corporations.

6. There are no disadvantages of sole businesses.

7. Sole proprietorships depend on the amount of money their owners can save.

b) 1. A partnership can be owned by one person.

2. In a partnership owners can demonstrate their best abilities.

3. Partners do not pay taxes on their business.

4. The rights and duties of partnerships are regulated by states.

5. The liability for all a partnership's debts is one of the main advantages of a partnership.

6. Disagreements between partners can be one of the advantages of a partnership.


to look forward to   - чекати з нетерпінням
cocktail round - офіційні прийоми
to treat smb. - поводитися з кимось
knight in shining armour - доблесний лицар
estate - майно
MEI dragon (Multi-National Engineering Incorporated) - дракон під назвою (компанія) Ем-І-Ай
to avoid tax duties - уникати податків на майно
gift - дарунок
stock broker - біржовий маклер
apart from - крім
managing directorship - роль диркеторів - розпорядників
to hand over - роздати
token of appreciation - знак визнання
loyalty - відданність
generous - великодушний
by admission - за визнанням


Paul Osman, the Sales Manager of Jayal Motors, and Carl Sindon, the Commercial Attaché at the Zuritanian Embassy in Industria, drive to Jayal Motors for a meeting with Tom Jayal, the Managing Director, who is looking forward to retiring, and jack lom, the Production manager of the company.


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A) The Sole Proprietor | B) Make up the sentences according to the model. Translate them.
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