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B) Answer these questions about Jayal Motors' balance sheet.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 816.

A) Study the balance sheet of Jayal Motors


sources of funds - джерела коштів
authorized - дозволений до випуску
revenue reserves - доходні резерви
add - приход, прибуток
less - витрати
net profit - чистий прибуток
drawings - відрахування
employment of funds - витрата коштів
fixed assets - основний капітал
current assets - оборотний капітал
accumulated depreciation - амортизаційний резерв
net book value - залишкова вартість
stock - цінні папери
bank money - гроші банківського обороту
cash in hand - касова готівка


1. How much of the authorized share capital has been issued?

2. What is the total equity capital of Jayal Motors?

3. The bank owns all the debentures in the company. How much money has the bank invested in Jayal Motors?

4. How much interest does the bank receive on its debentures each year?

5. How much money did Jayal carry over from last year?

6. How much have Jayal Motors borrowed from the bank?

7. How mach do Jayal Motors still owe their suppliers?

8. How much did it cost originally to buy all Jayal Motors' fixed assets?

9. What are Jayal Motors' fixed assets worth now?

10. What is the value of the row materials and components Jayal Motors has in stock at the moment?

11. How much do Jayal Motors' customers owe them?

12. How much money do Jayal Motors have readily available at the moment?


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