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That's nice. / That'll be nice.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 766.

Great. / That's great.

Marvellous! /That's marvellous.

Terrific! /That's terrific.


How exciting!

How thrilling!

How wonderful!


AMother's coming to stay.

She'll stay a couple of months.

She's bringing the dogs.

We'll have to look after her.

We can't have a holiday this year.

В Displeasure (dull, displeased tone)

Oh no! (Oh) really! Mmm. Oh dear! Oh heavens! What a bore!

7 Зак. 2342



1. Respond with pleasure or displeasure when someone tells you:

he's got a new job;

it's an exciting job;

he's got a new car;

it cost £5000;

he's got a new girlfriend;

she's a journalist;

they're getting married.

2. Learn the dialogue and make substitutions.

Him: I've made up my mind. We're going to Spain for the holi­-
days. (Italy /Jamaica)

Her: How exciting! (Marvellous /How thrilling)

Him: I've got a whole fortnight off this year.

Her: A whole fortnight. That s terrific. (That '11 be nice / That's good)

Him: We'll leave in early July.

Her: Good! Are we taking the car? (Great /Marvellous)

Him: The car? Oh no, we're going on a package tour.

Her: Oh no! (Oh really /Mmm.)

Him: And I thought we'd take mother with us.

Her: Oh heavens! Do we have to? (Oh dear / What a bore)

3. Situation.

Ask a friend whether he/she would like to go on a holiday with you. Tell him/her where you would like to go and what you might do there. Some of these things will please your friend; others will not.



1. You are giving advice to a friend. Use shouldor shouldn't.

>- Your friend is always coughing because he smokes too much. Advise him to stop smoking. You should stop smoking.

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VI. Your friend has a bad toothache. Advise him to go to the dentist. 2. Your friend rides his bicycle at night without lights. You think this is dangerous. Advise him not to do it. 3. Your friend is going to visit Greece. Advise him to learn a few words of Greek before he goes. 4. Your friend has a bad cold. Advise him to stay at home this evening. 5. Your friend eats too many sweets. Advise her not to do it. 6. Your friend works too hard. Advise him not to do it. 7. Your friend misses too many classes. Advise him not to do it.

2. Complete the advice using shouldor oughtto; find the advice for the problems.

>- 'I've lost my credit card.'

' You should report it to the credit card company immediately.' 'You ought to report it to the credit card company immediately.'

Problems Advice

1. 'I've lost my credit card.' I think you/sell it.'

2. T can't wake up in the 'Perhaps you /look for another job.' mornings.'

3. 'I'm bored with my job.' 'Don't you think you/apologize to them?'

4. 'I've got a terrible 'Perhaps you/buy a new alarm clock.' headache.'

5. 'I was very rude to my 'You/report it to the credit card

parents.' company immediately.'

6. 'My car keeps on breaking 'Perhaps you/take some aspirin.'


7. 'My sister's birthday is 'You/go/to a dentist.'

only a month away.'

8. T have a toothache.' 'I think you/buy a present//beforehand.'

3. Write sentences with should (n't) ..., ought (n't) to ..., should (n't)have ... or ought (n't) to have....

■ The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom is driving at 50.

He shouldn't be driving so fast./ He oughtn't to be driving so fast.

■When we got to the restaurant there were no free tables. We hadn't

reserved one.

We should have reserved a table./ We ought to have reserved a table.

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1. It's very cold. Mr Taylor, who has been ill recently, is walking along the road without a coat. He ... .2. We went for a walk. While we were walking, we got hungry but we hadn't brought anything with us to eat. We said: We ... .3.1 went to Paris. Marcel lives in Paris but I didn't go to see him while I was there. When I saw him later, he said: You .... 4. The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. It is now 9 o'clock but the shop isn't open. 5. The driver in front stopped sudden­ly without warning and I drove into the back of his car. It wasn't my fault. 6. The children normally go to bed at 9 o'clock. It is now 9.30. They are not in bed; they are watching television (two sentences) 7. The accident happened because Tom was driving on the wrong side of the road.

4. Make sentences using should (n't) ... , ought (n't) to..., should (n't) have ...or ought (n't) to have... and the words in brackets,

>- My car is always dirty. (I / clean /it/ more often)

I should clean it more often. /1 ought to clean it more often.

1. You think your friend works too hard. You tell him/her: (You/not work/so hard.) (You/relax/more.)

2. Your friend overslept this morning and was late for work. His boss said to him: (You/buy/an alarm clock!)

3. Kate didn't feel well yesterday, but she went to work and now she feels really terrible. (She/not go/to work yesterday.) (She/stay/in bed.)

4. Mr Woods walked straight out into the road without looking. He was nearly killed by a bus. (He/not walk/into the road without looking.) (He/ look/first.)

5. Complete the sentences using had betterand the verbs in the box.

■ The phone is ringing. I'd better answer it.

park stay hurry answer put out be not leave

1. This knife is very sharp. You ... careful when you use it. 2. Oh no! Look! There's a 'No Parking' sign here. We ... somewhere else. 3. You're not very well. I think you... in bed today. 4. We're late. We .... 5. There's a lot of crime in this area, we ... any doors or windows unlocked. 6. The plane is just going to take off. You ... that cigarette.

6. Translate into English.

1. Вам следовало бы извиниться: вы неправы. 2. Вам не следует так много курить. 3. Ей надо сейчас же пойти к врачу. 4. Вы должны были бы купить подарок матери по случаю дня ее рождения. 5. Тебе не следовало жениться на мне, Дэвид. Это было большой ошибкой. 6. Тебе бы лучше остаться дома. Похоже, будет дождь. 7. Тебе долж­но быть стыдно за такие злые слов. 8. "Когда он возвращается?" "Откуда мне знать?" 9. Моррис сказал, что если это долг, то его сле­дует исполнить. 10. Вам не следовало упоминать об этом в его при­сутствии. 11. Нам бы лучше не говорить об этом Энн. Она рассер­дится. 12. Вам следовало бы поговорить с директором еще раз перед тем, как вы поедете в Лондон. 13. Вам бы лучше пойти и поговорить с ним сейчас же, пока он еще не ушел. 14. Нам бы лучше не говорить об этом Энн. 15. Следует ли ей заняться спортом всерьез? — Думаю, да. 16. Я прошу прощения. Мне не следовало это говорить. 17. Тебе следует купить это платье. Оно тебе идет. 18. Почему вы не пришли вчера? — Вы должны были позвонить мне, если вы были заняты.


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Here are some ways of expressing pleasure or displeasure when you hear something that pleases or displeases you. | A Glimpse of London
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