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A Closer Look at Technicians

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 927.


Technicians are the "doers." They are workers that are highly trained to perform specific tasks. They generally follow procedures developed by doctors or engineers. In the medical industry technicians use very sophisticated equipment and techniques to analyze body fluids and tissue at the request of the doctor. Mechanical and material testing technicians are often responsible for operating large test systems that pull, compress, or twist materials and products to learn about their performance characteristics. Automotive technicians are trained to diagnose and fix car problems.








  UNIT 2
to enhance покращувати, збільшувати, посилювати
to follow procedure дотримуватись порядку дій
performance characteristics робочі характеристики
to pull розтягувати
to twist скручувати, згинати
tissue тканина ( людського тіла )
body fluids вміст рідини в організмі людини
to take advantage скористатись перевагами


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