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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 479.


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Every independent country has its own form of government. The functions of government are to keep order among citizens, provide certain common service, protect people from hostile attack, set taxation, educational requirements, place limits on immigration, draft citizens into military service.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle defined some types of government depending from the quantity of people in power.

A monarchy is a government run by one. An absolute monarchy or autocracy is a government in which a ruler has unlimited authority. A constitutional monarchy is a democratic government in which a monarch is the ceremonial head of state having little or no political power.

An aristocracy or an oligarchy is a government by the few.

A democracy is a government by the common people. The modern democratic state is a republic in which there are free elections, freedom of speech, peaceful and orderly transfer of political power to a leader elected to office.

A totalitarian government controls totally all aspects of the citizens' political and economic activities and some aspects of private life. An authoritarian government is a similar form of government but it doesn't exert absolute control people's lives.



The democratic states have separation of powers when each branch of government has separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility. The normal division of branches is into the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial.

A legislature is a representative deliberative assembly with the power to adopt laws budget and raise taxes. Legislatures are parliament or congress. A country can have unicameral legislatures or bicameral legislatures comprising an upper and a lower houses.

An executive is the branch of government responsible for day-to-day management of the state. The executive is identified by the head of government.

The judiciary is a system of courts which administer justice, resolve disputes and interpret laws.

A system of checks and balances prevents one branch from becoming supreme and induces the branches to cooperate. Checks and balances refers to the various procedural rules that allow one branch to limit another.


1. Study the table “The Best Way to Travel” and the notes. Learn the new vocabulary.

2. Explain why some people prefer this or that way of travelling.


The Best Way to Travel



is... because it is...
by plane/ air train/ rail(way) car/ coach boat/ sea bicycle/ bike balloon hitch-hiking on foot on a boat/ ...   the fastest safest cheapest greenest most pleasant/ enjoyable reliable/ comfortable exhilarating/ relaxing romantic/ adventurous convenient for business/ long-distance/ leisure travel
take a train/ bus/ your seat on the plane catch your flight/ train/ coach/ bus/ boat board the plane/ train go on board/ get on an airliner/ a liner embark on a sea voyage/ a crossing get into the train/ your car/ the coach behind the wheel into your berth/ window seat on your (motor)bike thumb a lift/ pick up a ride  
You don't need/ have to worry about...  
time-tables/ schedules booking tickets/ a berth/ a passage the fare missing your flight/ train/ coach changing trains/ planes cancelled/ diverted fights jet-lag traffic jams heavy/ bad weather conditions excess luggage airport security/ the customs getting stuck in the mud/ at the airport having a flat tire running out of petrol parking space/ restrictions



You can/ may...  
get away from it all back to nature wander off the beaten track by the side of a picturesque lake explore woodland trails clifftop paths the hidden corners of the country
have/ enjoy independence the freedom to do as you please a meal in the dining car a bird's eye view of the world a chance to meet local people  
watch wildlife beautiful scenery flying past you rapidly changing scenes/ the land below see magnificent/ stunning views on the way the real countryside hear birds singing/ the cries of sea gulls feel the sun on your skin a fresh wind blowing on your face the joy of speed  
...and you...  
arrive at/ come to/ reach your destination disembark alight get off/ out of the car/ boat/ plane/ train/ coach  
safe and sound fresh and uncrumpled well-rested on time full of unforgettable impressions   No wonder, a lot of/ most people prefer...
flying/ air travel train/ rail travel driving/ car travel/ coach travel
  cycling sailing/ sea travel hitch-hiking walking


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