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Buying Things in the Shop

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 380.

Personal selling

Critical thinking

1. Look at the scheme and explain why it is more profitable to buy things by personal selling than in the shop.







Manufacturer - intermediary 1 – intermediary 2 – intermediary 3 – shop - customer


2.What problems might the following cause in some markets? Why?

The advertisement for painkillers that shows three pictures from left to right: first, someone with a headache, who is next seen taking the pain killer and, finally, smiling.


3.What problems might the following TV advert cause in some markets?

A woman is shown coming out of the shower and getting dressed. In the following scene, a man is seen taking flowers from a restaurant table. In the final scene, the man gives the flowers to the woman, they look into each other's eyes, and leave together.


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