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Role play

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 442.

Participant 1. You are a newspaper reporter writing an article on Apple Computer, Inc. Ask the public relation officer for information to complete these notes.


  With $1,300, Steve Jobs and Steve Worniak found Apple Computer, Inc.
  Apple became the first personal computer company to reach $ 1 billion in annual sales.
  Notebook PowerBook series was released.
  Acquisition of NeXT brings Steve Jobs back to Apple as a special adviser.
  The all-in-one iMac is released.
  Introduction of the successful iPod music player.
  The company began experimenting with new parts from new suppliers. As a result, Apple was able to produce the iPod video, the iPod classic, the iPod touch and the iPhone.
  The Apple's revenues surpassed the Microsoft's.


Participant 2. You are the public relation officer of Apple Computer, Inc. A newspaper reporter is writing an article about your company. Use these notes on the company history to answer his questions.

Apple was founded.
Apple went public. Its offering of 4.6 million shares at $21 sold out within minutes.
Apple became the first personal computer company to reach $ 1 billion in annual sales.
Jobs with several other Apple executives left the company because of the in-fighting caused by the product line divisions. They established a new company NeXT.
Notebook PowerBook series was released.
Power Macintosh line was introduced.
Acquisition of NeXT brought Steve Jobs back to Apple as a special adviser.
Steve Jobs was named Chief Executive Officer.
The all-in-one iMac was released.
Steve Jobs became CEO again.
The successful iPod music player was introduced
Steve Jobs launched the Power Mac G5.
The company began experimenting with new parts from new suppliers. As a result Apple was able to produce the iPod video, the iPod classic, the iPod touch and the iPhone.
Apple introduced the first version of the iPhone.
The Apple's revenues surpassed the Microsoft's.

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