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At Customs

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 805.

III. Going through the Customs Formalities.

Read the dialogue:

Customs official: Is this your suit-case, sir?

Passenger: Yes, that's right. Shall I open it?

Customs official: Do, please. Have you got anything to declare?

Passenger: No, I don't think so. I've got some cigarettes for my own use.

Customs official: How many packets?

Passenger: Only three. I think they are duty free.

Customs Official: Yes, of course. Have you got any things liable to duty?

Passenger: No, I haven't

Customs Official: Thank you, sir. Have a nice time.

Passenger: Thank you.


Customs Inspector: Good afternoon, where are you from?

You: Russia

C.I.: Are you traveling alone?

You: Yes, I am.

C.I.: What is the purpose of your visit?

You: I want to see America and learn American English.

C.I.: Where are you going to stay?

You: In Atlanta with an American family.

C.I.: Do you have anything to declare?

You: No, I don't.

C.I.: Open your luggage, please.

You: Here you are.

C.I.: Have a good time in America.

You: Thank you.


IV. Arrange the following sentences in order:

- Did you enjoy your trip by air?

- And what about the ticket was it easy to get?

- Oh, it was an exciting trip. Flying is so convenient and besides it's the quickest way of traveling.

- Oh, yes, it's very comfortable. They also served some snacks and soft drinks.

- And how did you like the plane? Is it nice inside?

- Yes, quite easy. I booked my ticket in advance at an air-travel booking office.


V. Translate the sentences using the following words:

Customs regulations-таможенные правила, boarding pass- посадочный талон, attach-прикреплять, luggage tag- ярлык к багажу, exceed- превышать, pay extra-доплатить


1. Когда мы путешествуем заграницу, мы должны знать таможенные правила. 2. Все туристы проходят паспортный контроль. 3.Если вы летите самолетом, вам необходимо взвесить багаж и получить посадочный талон. 4. К вашему багажу будет прикреплен ярлык с датой и номером рейса. 5. Если ваш багаж превышает кол-во бесплатного багажа, вам придется доплатить.



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