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Economy wasted trip.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1885.

VII. Checkpoints

V. Compose you own dialogue at a ticket office.

Student B: You work in a railway ticket office. Give student A the information he\she wants.

(depart time, arrive time, tickets fare)


Student A: You want to go to…. . Ask for information about train times and ticket prices. Decide what kind of ticket you want and how you are going to pay.



VI. The words in the box are all to do with traveling by train. Translate them and divide into groups:

Verbs to do with trains_________________________________________________________

Kinds of tickets_______________________________________________________________





  Ticket office buffet car show (your ticket) get on café single ticket inspector passenger Get off miss driver information office compartment season platform waiting room catch return  



Can you:

- óçíàòü íóæíóþ èíôîðìàöèþ î ðåéñàõ

- ñêàçàòü, ÷òî âû õîòèòå çàáðîíèðîâàòü áèëåò

- ñïðîñèòü, êîãäà îòõîäèò ñëåäóþùèé ïîåçä, àâòîáóñ

- ñïðîñèòü, îòõîäèò àâòîáóñ (ïîåçä)\âûëåòàåò ñàìîëåò (ïóòü, âûõîä)

- ñïðîñèòü, êîãäà ïðèáûâàåò ñàìîëåò (ïîåçä, àâòîáóñ)

- ñêàçàòü, íóæåí ëè âàì áèëåò â îäèí êîíåö èëè îáðàòíûé

- ñêàçàòü, êàêèì êëàññîì âû õîòåëè áû ëåòåòü

- ñêàçàòü, êàêîå ìåñòî âû õîòåëè áû (ó ïðîõîäà, ó îêíà)

- ñïðîñèòü î âðåìåíè ðåãèñòðàöèè íà ðåéñ

- ñïðîñèòü î ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòè ïîëåòà



VIII. Read and retell the text.


An Englishman who was in France wanted to go back to England by sea. But he had very little money. He had so little money that he could pay only for the ticket. As he knew that the trip would last only two days, he decided not to eat during these days.

As he took a ticket and got on the ship the next morning, he tried not to hear the bell for breakfast. When dinner time came, he was very hungry, but he didn't go to the dining room. In the evening he was still hungry, but when the waiter came to invite him to have supper, the Englishman said he was ill.

The next day the Englishman couldn't stand the hunger any longer. “I shall go and eat even if they kick me out into the sea”, said he to himself. So he went to the ship dining-room and had his dinner. In the evening he had supper, but was very much afraid of his future because he didn't pay for the meals. At last he addressed the waiter and said: “Bring me the bill, please”. – “What bill?”-asked the waiter.- “For the supper and dinner I had in your dining-room”. – “Don't trouble, Sir. You paid for your meals when you bought the ticket”.



Economy wasted- íàïðàñíàÿ ýêîíîìèÿ

last- äëèòüñÿ

stand- ïåðåíåñòè, âûäåðæàòü


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