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UNIT 12Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1120. IV. Write a paragraph about the future of the English language.
THEME: DIFFERENT KINDS OF ARTS Texts: 1. Theatre. 2. Music. Dialogues: 1. American and Russian Film Academy Awards. 2. Hollywood is the Centre of the US Film Industry. Grammar: The Conditional Sentences Test 12 EXERCISE 1. Read, translate, and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues: 1) a stage, to stage. Performances are staged at the theatre. 2) a script. Theatre includes everything that is involved in production, such as the script, the stage, the performing company, and the audience. 3) a playwright. The theatre specialists include a playwright, performers, a director, a scene designer, a costumier, a lighting designer, and various technicians. 4) makeup. A director of the theatre integrates all aspects of production including scenery, costumes, makeup, lighting sound effects, music, and dancing. 5) a puppet, i<z puppet theatre. There are different kinds of theatres, such as drama theatres, musical theatres, puppet theatres, opera and ballet houses. 6) as soon as. People probably started singing as soon as language developed. 7) activities, social activities. People use music in personal and social activities. 8) to create. A famous playwright has created this play. 9) an awe, to awe. People use music in religious services to create a state of awe. 10) repertory. This theatre operates a repertory system and use a regular company. 11) major. They have become major centers as well. 12) to nickname. It was nicknamed Oscar. 13) to announce the nominees. They announced the nominees for these awards. 14) an award. This film won several awards. 15) mood. Music helps set mood. 16) to refer. The word "theatre" refers to the space where performances are staged. 17) the performing company. The performing company leaves for London. 18) to require. Theatre requires many kinds of artists. 19) to integrate. A director of the theatre integrates all aspects of production. 20) attractive. In typical Hollywood film there are a lot of attractive actors. EXERCISE 2. Read the international words: 'theatre, pro'duction, 'company, 'human, 'culture, 'drama, 'literatui form, 'tragedy, melo'drama, 'comedy, 'complex, 'specialist, di'rectc de'signer, cos'tumier, com'poser, mu'sician, chore'ographer, 'aspect, 'cc tume, effect, 'music, 'opera, 'ballet, 'centre, 'repertory, 'system profession, start, re'ligion, 'ceremony, 'symphony, jazz, film, 'person 'distance, 'instrument, e'motion, a'cademy, 'figure, 'student, 'type.
EXERCISE 3. a) Translate, analyze the following words with different suffixes and divide them into two groups: nouns and adjectives: performance, production, audience, addition, human, culture, ancient, different, serious, artist, creation, specialist, performer, director, designer, costumier, composer, choreographer, creator, musical, successful, theatrical, experience, royal, national, professional, language, religious, classical, orchestral, dancer, important, personal, social, distance, satisfaction, enjoyable, attractive;
b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words: inter- perform -ance in- chance -er perform -ent change -ist differ -ion art -or creat(e) -al design -ful music-able success nation person enjoy journal
c) The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space: 1. These words are used ... CHANGE. 2. This ... was a success PERFORM. 3. Theatre involves different kinds of... ART. 4. Margaret Mitchell is a ... from Atlanta JOURNAL. 5. This actress was very ... in her career SUCCESS. EXERCISE 4. a) Try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column  to form meaningful phrases: