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Exercise 6 Match the different types of freight traffic (1-6) with the definitions (a-f).Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1386. B) Which form or forms of transport would you choose for the following consignments, and why? What kind of cargo is involved in each case? 1. A large consignment of cars from Hamburg to Dresden. 2. A small consignment of flour from Wales to London. 3. A small consignment of china from London to Moscow. 4. An urgently needed consignment of tea from Bombay to Boston. 5. A cargo of timber (wood) from Germany to England via Rotterdam. 6. A consignment of diamonds from Cape Town to Cairo. 7. A large consignment of coal from Sheffield to Leeds. 8. A cargo of bananas from the Caribbean to Dublin. 1 multimodal ▪ 2 piggyback ▪ 3 intermodal ▪ 4 unaccompanied 5 block train ▪ 6 single-wagon a The driver does not stay with his road vehicle during transport by rail or ferry. b Goods are transported in the same loading unit or vehicle using different modes of transport. c A single shipper uses a whole train which is run directly from the loading point to the destination. No assembling and disassembling is required. d Carriage of goods by at least two different modes of transport, e.g. shipping by motor lorry and aircraft. e Train is formed out of individual wagons or sets of wagons which have different origins and different destinations. f Combines road and rail transport: whole motor lorries, trailers or swap-bodies* are carried by rail. *swap-body – знімний кузов для змішаних автомобільно-залізничних перевезень (a-4, b-3, c-5, d-1, e-6, f-2)