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B. After- listening tasks.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 415.

V. Listening Activities.

Ø. Speaking Activities.

C. Which words did Washoe mean when she used the following four signs?

B. Read the text in greater detail and choose from A to H the types of treatment each of the following three animals received.

1. Gua A. fed with a spoon

2. Viki B. dressed like a baby

3. Washoe C. forced to brush her teeth

D. exposed to human speech

E. brought up alongside a human child

F. kept in a caravan

G. taught sing language

H. given intensive training schedules


1. putting her finger on top of her wagging tongue

2. putting the tip of her finger on her nose and snorting

3. holding her fingertips together and touching her nostrils

4. rubbing her index finger against her teeth


- What do you think about such experiments on animals?

- Why do you think people are so interested in trying to communicate with animals?


IV. Make up a summary of the text.



National Geographic

  1. Pre-listening task.

Before listening, pay attention to the following words and collocations.

stimulate – increase energy or activity exhibit (Am.English) – exhibition

agency - (unusual use) responsibility behind the scenes – hidden; not obvious

going on mentally – (slang) mental activity right up front – not hidden


-What does the word «orangutan» mean?

- Are orangutans endangered apes?

- What is the purpose of the project at the National Zoo?

- What kind of environment do orangutans need?

- What makes an environment interesting for orangutans?

- What can Inda do?

- Is Azia as social as his sister Inda?

- What is the purpose of the Tink Tank exhibit?

- What effect does the Tink Tank hope to have?

- Do Inda and Azia make mistakes?

- Why does Rob Shumaker believe that choice is so important to orangutans?


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