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Unit 10

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 455.

Look through the text again and entitle it.

4. Look through the text once more and say what kind of passage it is:


1. A scientific paper.

2. A fragment from a science fiction story.

3. An introduction to a book for science students.

4. A fragment from a popular scientific article.

What makes you think so?

5. Read the text thoroughly with a dictionary and answer the following questions:

1. What does the author say about general attitude to science in high school or college?

2. When, according to the author, do we find ourselves face to face with science?

3. Where is the news about scientific achievements published? What makes you think so?

4. Why, in the author's opinion, has science become a useful, essential and inescapable part of our lives?

5. What scientific achievements of the 1970's, 80's, and 90's does the author mention?

6. Why does the author think it's impossible not to be curious about scientific matters?


7. Why does science matter to us?

8. Who does the author call "ivory tower" intellectuals?

9. Do you agree with the answer to the questions given at the begin­ning of the text? What makes you think so?


I. Presentation “Sewerage progress”

II. Vocabulary Practice

III. Word Building

IV. Grammar

Причастие I и II

Формы и функции причастий

Participle Constructions - Причастные конструкции

V. Synonyms


VI. Revision

Past Simple – Past Continuous

Типы вопросительных предложений


VII. Reading “Sewerage”

VIII. Writing

IX. Vocabulary

X. Grammar Rules



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