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A handbook

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 785.

Fund, manage, NAV, management, load, pool, investor, diversification, performance, portfolio, a yearbook,

Part II

Problem questions


1. to have enough work on one's hands – нести ответственность за большой объем работ

2. to dispose of smth/smb – избавиться от чего-либо/кого-либо, распорядиться чем-либо

3. to be on the letterhead (about smb's name) – иметь официальное отношение к фирме, упоминаться в документах фирмы

4. to give smb credit for – думать, иметь мнение о ком-либо

5. to work one's ass (arse) off (vulg) – проводить очень много времени на своем рабочем месте (протирать брюки – вулг)


1. Would you say that David Kesler was an ambitious and sober-minded young man?

2. How can you account for his overwhelming enthusiasm?

3. Would you agree with David Kesler's version of oil profits in small and big companies?

4. Would you say the terms of the loan were easy and favourable? Bear out your statement.

5. What do you make of Williams and Glyn's decision to advance the loan without a thorough analysis of the company's position?

6. What circumstances and facts would have helped to established the truth and prove that "Prospecta" turned out to be a bogus company?

7. How can it be that "Prospecta" didn't attract the attention of the Stock Exchange Inspector?



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