Date: 2015-10-07; view: 542.
| act of postponing to another time or place
| consent
| permission to do something
| decennial
| happening every ten years
| overrule
| rule against
| revenue
| government income due to taxation
| robust
| rough and crude
| run-off (n)
| extra competition or election to decide the winner, because the leading competitors have finished equal
| Exercise 1. Answer the following questions about the Constitution of the US:
1. What is the political system of the USA?
2. What are the three levels of government in the country?
3. When was the Constitution of the USA created and what does it contain?
4. What is the Bill of Rights?
5. How can the Constitution be changed?
6. What does the “separation of powers” mean?
Exercise 2. How do the three branches of government cooperate? Fill in the diagram and describe the system of checks and balances in the government of the US.