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Ukraine is a unitary state in which its territory is integral and inviolable. The state has a single citizenship. The state language of Ukraine is Ukrainian.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 499.

Jural Essence of the state is supported by provisions related to supremacy of law and direct action of constitutional norms. The state is responsible to the people for its activities. According to the Constitution the main task of the state is to establish and promote human rights and freedoms.

The social character of Ukrainian state results in constitutional regulation of issues related to the use of property and protection of all subjects of property right, social orientation of the economy, equality of all subjects of property right before the law, and the maintenance of ecologic safety and balance within Ukraine's territory and other socially important measures.

Democratic essence of the Ukrainian state is enshrined by the constitutional provisions concerning its form of government – a republic, governed by sovereignty of the people. State power is divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches, acting within their competence. The Constitution envisages the principle of political, economic and ideological diversity of social life.

General foundations of the political system of Ukraine are defined by its Constitution. In accordance to it, Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social and jural state.

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Further Reading | Deputies' groups formed on a non-party basis unite deputies who share the same or similar views of national, social and economic development.
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