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Cultural Centres of Ukraine

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 466.

A radical renovation in social life is taking place in Ukraine. The question of leisure time is no less important for the state than production problems. Guiding from the statistics thousand people devote their free time to some form of art. Every year many people join amateur art groups by becoming members of people's theatres, choirs, ensembles, orchestras and studios.

Nowadays there is a wide network of houses of culture, cultural centres and clubs in Ukraine and a great number of them are in the villages and small towns. The task of universities of culture is to provide them with highly qualified librarians, leaders of amateur artistic groups, managers and sociologists being able to make culture accessible to everyone. At present the main task in the activity of cultural centres is spiritual rebirth of nation and national Ukrainian culture and art.

Cultural centre is a place where ordinary people, not engaged in the sphere of culture and art, can take part in amateur artistic activities. These activities are multifarious. In cultural centres there are academic and folk choirs, folk and classic dance groups, folk instrument orchestras, symphony, variety, vocal and instrumental group drama companies, circus and variety collectives, fine art studios, group of applied arts, circles of film-makers photographers libraries and so on. The graduates from the universities of culture lead and direct these amateur artistic groups.

People's theatres are very popular in Ukraine. These groups are formed at cultural centers and they are given all necessary material assistance for their premieres, costumes and so on. Most of these groups are drama groups, but there are also some opera, ballet, music comedy, poetry, miniature and puppet com­panies. They stage plays by modern Ukrainian and foreign play­wrights, Russian and national classics, and make stage adaptation of their favorite books.

Amateurs seriously penetrate into the mysteries of stage craft, music, ballet and art. A special system of training is arranged for them in cultural centers in order to raise their general cultural standards and give them necessary special knowledge. They have lectures and discussions on aesthetics, ethics, the history of culture, drama, music, ballet and so on.

Amateurs are an inexhaustible reserve for professional art. Many well-known actors and actresses began their careers in amateur group.

Actors, artists and musicians are regular guests at cultu­ral centers. Their assistance, advice, consultations and par­ticipation in amateur concerts and performances provide an im­portant stimulus for the development of amateur art.

Cultural centers play an important role in the cultural life of the villages and small towns that have no professional companies. Amateurs give a lot of concerts and performances every year. Amateur art is a remarkable phenomenon of cultural life in Ukraine, as it helps to raise the cultural level of the population. Annually amateur concerts and performances are seen by millions of people.


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