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Heroes of Great Patriotic war (1941-1945)

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 578.

Heroic epics- batyrlar jury

Military reform

Military/society relations

• The role of solidarities and loyalties in Central Asian armies: minorities in the military; kinship networks in the military.

• The action of military elites as lobby groups and the perceptions they generate. Are these elites no more than interest group(s) competing with others for the ownership and use of resources, power, etc… or does their state function (defense, public order) confer upon them a specific role and modus operandi?

• How the contradictions affecting Central Asian societies (tribal and clan divisions, ethnic tension, regional disparities, urban-rural differences, social inequalities etc) affects the national armies ?

• - The Central Asian armies in Central Asian public opinion.

1. Doctrine, strategy and tactics; 2. Security challenges; 3. Economy of the military reform; 4. Security forces

Functions: 1) educative and ideological- train the young generation on glorious heroic past; 2) philosophical- reasons of war and mission of the society and its members in the war.

96 Kazakhs were awarded the heroes title during the war. Among them:

• Nurken Abdirov (1919 - 1942), fighter pilot, Talgat Begeldinov (born 1922), fighter pilot, Manshuk Mametova (1922 - 1943), machine gunner,

• Aliya Moldagulova (1925 - 1944), sniper, Baurzhan Momyshuly (1910 - 1982), writer, Rakhimzhan Qoshqakbayev (born 1924), first soldier to raise the Soviet Flag over the Reichstag in Berlin (not awarded).

• Malik Gabdulin

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