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Aul groupings

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 533.

Racket in Kz

Negative aspects of military culture

Military training in Kazakhstan

1. Sports classes in secondary school; 2. Sports education; 3. Military service; 4. Military education

1. Banditism- from organized groupings to irregular activities of small groups and individuals;

2. Racketeering; 3. Criminal gangs; 4. School crimes

Typology: social territorial– 1) asphalt (urban) and 2) rural (aul) that differ in object and causes of origin and activities; 3) regional (illegal migration, human and sex trafficking, drugs smuggling, customs control; 4) international (drugs, prostitution). 1 groups are recruited out of deprived urban groupings and specialize in drugs, racketeering of money and clothes from school children, students, small businessmen, prostitutes and women trading in minor market places. Young men (under 30) make up about 60%, and cover over 55 % of all crimes. Scope of activities (regional): whole sale markets (barakholkas), food markets (optovkas). Social basis – young men with physical training, acting or ex-athletes (boxers, wresters, martial arts fighters), with military experience. Nature of activities- organized groups with strong control, conspiracy, hierarchy, discipline.

Small (3-7 people, from 14 to 20), from the same place and sometimes relatives, jobless, activities- frauds and petty crimes, gambling, patronage of prostitutes. Scope of regional activities- microdistricts, highways sections, suburbs. Very brutal and violent.

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