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Culture and traditions of writing

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 452.

Established criminal groupings

The "thieves-in-law" (known as Vory v Zakone in Russian), formed as a society for mutualsupport within the prison camps of Stalin, and adopted a system of collective responsibility, andswearing a code of "complete submission to the laws of criminal life, including obligations tosupport the criminal ideal, and rejection of labor and political activities." This group existedthroughout the Soviet era and continues today throughout the republics of the former SovietUnion. In this society the thieves-in-law live and obey the "Vorovskoy Zakon", the thieves code. The members are bound by 18 codes and if they are broken, the transgression ispunishable by death.In 2010 annual losses from corruption are in Kazakhstan 4 bln. 901 mln. tenge (about $33,6 mln.). Total number of corruption crimes – for 2010 - 1,5 thous. 77% of resources were returned to state budget.


1 place-South Kazakhstan oblast– 229 crimes.

2- Jambyl oblast

3- East –Kazakhstan oblast

4- Almatinskaya oblast

5- Karaganda



Kazakh oral art- includes over 50 various genres and genre variations: wedding rite songs: zhar-zhar- opens the wedding ceremony, betashar- bride's face opening, sunsy (brides' weeping), toi bastar (wedding feast opening); - death rite songs - qoshtasy (farewell songs), estirty (news on death), konil aity (expressing condolences in general way), arbau (spellings from shamanistic rituals), duga (spellings with Islamic meaning), baqsy saryny (shamanistic incantation); wish songs (bata- good wishes), zharapazan ( spring songs performed during the holy month of Ramadan); heroic epic, historical songs (dastans and qissa); songs performed during the poetical contests - aitys: bodik aitys, aityses of girls and young man, konil aity, zhybaty- compassion songs in tragic situations; age songs – for math skills - counting, for logic and memory skills – taqpak; seasonal. Since Russian and soviet times were introduced new genres: social-professional; social-political (prisoners, protesters); regional variety (south, east, west, and north).

Kazakh literature is the literature created in the modern state of Kazakhstan, the Kazakh SSR, the Kazakh part of the Russian empire, Kazakh khanate, and lands and peoples that made up Kazakh ehtnicity. There is some overlap with several complementary themes, including the literature of the Kazakhs (literature written by ethnic Kazakhs), the literature of Russians in Kazakhstan, and literature written in the Kazakh language. The complexities associated with delineating the subject mirror its complex history.

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