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Part II

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 407.

Part I

The Apple Tree

John Galsworthy


Galsworthy made his name as a novelist in the first decade of the 20th century. He kept up with the best traditions of realism in English literature and named Turgenev and Tolstoy as his literature teachers. He is the author of many novels (The Island Pharisees, The End of the Chapter), short stories (The Apple Tree, The Broken Boot) and he is known as one of the prominent playwrights (The Silver Box, Justice, The Mob).

The most famous work of his is the epic trilogy The Forsyte Saga. It includes The Man of Property, In Chancery, To Let. It is a series of novels connected by the history of several generations of the upper middle class family.




1. Read the story (pp. 3-37).

2. Read and translate the following passages:

· p. 11 “The pool, formed… absurdly happy”.

· p. 18 “When she was gone… and write”.

· p. 27 “Of man… miracle”.

· p.30 “He awoke… noticed”.

3. Study the following words, pronounce them correctly and translate them into Russian:

superstition, surfeit, primeval, chivalry, catechism, Celt, sagely, beatifical, sumptuous, insipidity, suspend, discomfit.

4. Study the following word-combinations and remember the situations in which they are used by the author:

· p. 4 – to turn up

· p. 5 – to give vent to

· p. 5 – the trouble was (is)

· p. 7 – to keep something secret

· p. 7 – to talk through one's hat

· p. 10 – to break into flower

· p. 10 – to put up

5. Make up a situation of your own using not less than 6 word-combinations from the list above.

6. Study the following words from the point of view of their structure and try to translate them into Russian:

blue-eyed, flower-like charm, silver-wedding day, tam-o'-shanter, cross-footed waddle, brick-floored parlour, hotch-potch, a mal-adjusted animal, willy-nilly.

7. Explain the following:

· The garden of the Hesperide

· round-the-corner

· “Hippolytus”

8. Translate into English:

1) Он обещал придти, но пока не появился.

2) Мой брат только что приехал из Индии.

3) Не огорчайтесь: вы найдёте другую работу. Я уверена, что что-нибудь подвернётся.

4) Митинги позволяют людям дать волю своим разочарованиям.

5) Беда в том, что информацию держат в секрете.

6) Перестаньте молоть вздор. Они не смогут разместить всю вашу компанию на ночь в своей крохотной квартире. Вам лучше остановиться в гостинице.

9. Answer the following questions in detail:

1) How did it happen that Frank Ashurst and his wife found themselves in Torquay?

2) What was Ashurst doing there? What about his wife?

3) What did Frank remember?

4) Where did the two friends have to spend the night?

5) What did they learn about the family and Megan?

6) What impression did the atmosphere of the place produce on Ashurst?

10. Reproduce the conversation on pp. 8-9.


1. Read the story (pp. 37-76).

2. Read and translate the following passages:

· p. 43 – “While… a blackguard”.

· p. 48 – “Ashurst didn't… for today”.

· p. 53 “Ashurst stood… her so”.

3. Study the following words, pronounce them correctly and translate them into Russian:

paralysis, elopement, blackguard, suffuse, redolent, crescent, magpie, chagrin, shrimp, resurrection, exhort, to succumb, effigy, pagan, landau, poignancy.

4. Study the following vocabulary and remember the situations in which they are used by the author:

· p. 46 – to put off

· p. 48 – to flatter

· p. 49 – to be accustomed to

· p. 52 – to pay a forfeit

· p. 54 – to owe

· p. 58 – to give way to

· p. 60 – to toss

· p.61 – to cherish

· p. 61 – to get to the bottom of

· p. 63 – to go through

· p. 68 – to cast the die

5. Make up a situation of your own using not less than 7 word-combinations from the list above.

6. Explain the following:

· “I believe in the Sermon on the Mount”.

· “At the back of orthodox religion there is always аn idea of reward”.

· “qui pro quo”.

· “When one is as young as Ashurst, pity is not a violent emotion”.

7. a) Translate the following sentences paying attention to the underlined words:

1) People gazed at him rather blankly.

2) Ashurst stared at her in silence.

3) While she was gone, he stood disconsolately eyeing the models in the window.

b) Remember other verbs of the group of synonyms and do the exercise: insert the verbs.

1) I _____ into every room on the second floor I can't find human anywhere.

2) The man _____ at me till I began to feel uncomfortable.

3) The visitor _____ at the pictures but without particular interest.

4) The passers-by _____ indifferently at the street painter and walked on.

5) “Oh, it's unjust!” – the small boy cried. – “You have chosen the big one because you _____.”

6) Joe got up, went from window to window cautiously _____ out.

7) The man _____ coldly at Lanny, looking him up and down.

8) As she said the last few words she _____ at me to see if I was listening.

9) Root _____ quickly at the door. “Listen! Can you hear somebody coming?”

10) Oliver found a hole in the fence and _____ into the garden.

11) He woke up, _____ at the watch and found it was late.

12) Mr. Hurstwood laid down the paper and _____ at the floor.

8. Translate into English:

1) Он был рад, что у него есть причина отложить сообщение сестре этой новости.

2) Ты пытаешься мне льстить, но это бесполезно.

3) Он привык обходиться без удобств и страдал от их отсутствия очень мало.

4) Вы поступили неправильно, поэтому вам придётся платить выкуп: таковы условия игры.

5) Компания задолжала два миллиона долларов иностранным инвесторам.

6) Есть угроза, что мост не выдержит, когда поднимется вода.

7) Я лелею в памяти те счастливые дни.

8) Он твёрдо намерен добраться до самой сути этого дела.

9) Они пережили много невзгод и хорошо понимают друг друга.

10) Жребий брошен. Я поступаю на сцену. Завтра меня уже не будет в этом доме.

9. Answer the following questions:

1) When and how did their first date take place?

2) Why did Ashurst have to leave?

3) What did he do in Torquay? Why did he have to stay?

4) How did he spend his time with the Hallidays?

5) What is your impression of the family?

6) What happened to Phil during their bathing?

7) Why couldn't Frank return the following day?

8) What problems did Frank and Stella discuss?

9) How did Frank happen to see Megan again?

10) With whom did he talk about Megan's death?

11) How could you account for the title of the story?



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