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Wee-Willie-WinkyDate: 2015-10-07; view: 351. Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) – a British writer born in India. He is known for his poems, novels and short stories, especially the popular children's book The Jungle Book and for his poem If. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1907. He is sometimes criticized now as being a strong supporter of the British Empire and British imperialism.
1. Read the story. 2. Study the following words. Read them and translate them into Russian: colonel, discipline, subaltern, sword, rein, badge, compound, regiment, lieutenant, groom, quarters, culprit, cantonment. 3. Read and translate the following passages: · p. 77 – “Children resent… opinion”. · p. 88 – “Another man… harm him”. 4. Study the following vocabulary items and bring out the situations in which they are used by the author: · p. 77 – to deprive of · p. 77 – to chase · p. 79 – to get into mischief · p. 81 – to play one's trump card · p. 81 – I tell you what · p. 83 – at all hazards · p. 85 – to be moved · p. 87 – to ask for the ransom · p. 88 – to spare · p. 89 – in shirt sleeves · p. 90 – to condone 5. Make up a situation of your own using not less than 8 units from the list above. 6. Analyse the adjective unspeakable and try to remember as many adjectives with the same structure. 7. Translate the following combination from the story: “a tone of too hastily assumed authority”. 8. Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: · I-know-you-and-you-know-me friendliness · bring-your-own-bottle parties · I-don't-know-your-name girls · don't-give-a-damn attitude · play-the-game sporting air 9. Translate into English: 1) Ìàëü÷èê íå âîçðàæàë, êîãäà áûë ëèø¸í ñëàäêîãî çà òî, ÷òî îí ãîíÿë êóð ïî äâîðó, íî îí î÷åíü ñòðàäàë, êîãäà åãî ëèøèëè ñâîáîäû çà òî, ÷òî îí øàëèë. 2) ß òåáå âîò ÷òî ñêàæó: åñëè òû äàøü ýòîìó ÷åëîâåêó âîçìîæíîñòü ñûãðàòü êîçûðíîé êàðòîé, îí, íåñîìíåííî, âîñïîëüçóåòñÿ ýòèì è íèêîãî íå ïîùàäèò. 3) ß áûë òðîíóò åãî ðåøèìîñòüþ ïîìî÷ü ìíå äîâåñòè ýòî äåëî äî êîíöà, íåñìîòðÿ íà âñå îïàñíîñòè. Çà ýòî ÿ ãîòîâ ïðîñòèòü âñå îáèäû. 4) Òåððîðèñòû çàïðîñèëè âûêóï, è, êîãäà èì êàçàëîñü, ÷òî öåëü áëèçêà, èõ àðåñòîâàëè è îòïðàâèëè â òþðüìó. 10. Answer the following questions: 1) Where is the scene laid in the story? 2) Who was Wee-Willy-Winky? What can you say about his family? 3) What did he want to discuss with Coppy? 4) How did it happen that he was arrested? 5) Why did he have to break the arrest? 6) What can you say about his behaviour under the extraordinary circumstances? 7) How was he treated after this adventure? How did his behaviour change?