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The Treasure in the Forest

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 411.

Herbert George Wells


Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) is a British writer of novels and political essays. He is best-known for his science fiction such as The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man.


1. Read the story.

2. Study the following words, pronounce them correctly and translate them into Russian:

canoe, ingot, languid, zenith, rhythmic, exhume, ominous, exultant, spasmodically.

3. Read the following passages aloud and translate them into Russian:

· p. 91 – “The paper had… into lagoon”.

· p. 92 – “So they pushed out… prospect”.

· p. 101 – “The hooker began… the bloom”.

4. Study the following vocabulary units and remember the situations in which they are used by the author:

· p. 91 – to scrutinize

· p. 92 – to exhaust

· p. 93 – to lay stress on

· p. 93 – to arouse

· p. 95 – to be about to do something

· p. 97 – to come into view

5. Make up a situation of your own using the vocabulary given above.

6. Explain the following:

· pigeon English

· not unlike water-lily

7. Study the difference between the verbs lie and lay and translate the following word-combinations:

· to lay hands on something

· to take defeat lying down

· to do all that lies in one's power

· to lay the table for supper

· to find out how the land lies

· to lie on the ground

· to lay out flower beds

· to lay eyes on

· to lay the case before somebody

· to lie heavily in one's conscience

· to lay stress on

· to lie on one's side

· to lie to the south

· to lie low

· to lay bare

· to lay down the receiver

8. Paraphrase the following using the verbs under discussion:

to set the table for breakfast, to reveal one's secret emotions, to submit to an insult without protest or opposition, to do everything that is within one's power, the events described in the novel take place in, his deception troubled his conscience, to learn how matters stand.

9. Fill in the blanks using one of the verbs under discussion:

1) It rested you to _____ among the olives within sight of the wine-coloured sea.

2) I was about to _____ again convinced that I was mistaken when I heard someone call.

3) I have lost half my staff and the others are ready to _____ down and die at any minute.

4) She had found crockery in the cupboard and a strip of tablecloth with which she proceeded to _____ the table.

5) Perhaps my reasons _____ somewhere else.

6) There was no light. She stepped close to the shutter and _____ her eyes against the sleet.

7) He _____ his hands on the reins.

8) Morgan _____ down Hilda's long letter.

9) For the most part he _____ with his eyes closed.

10) He looked to the south and knew that somewhere beyond those bleak hills _____ the Great Bear Lake.

10. Translate into English:

1) Ковентри находится недалеко от Бирмингема.

2) Лежите спокойно, вам нельзя двигаться.

3) Действие этой пьесы происходит в Ирландии.

4) Вы выяснили, как обстоят дела?

5) Он сказал, что этот разговор очень важен для него.

6) Он изложил дело перед судом.

7) Когда я вошёл в комнату, стол был уже накрыт.

8) Закончив разговор, она не сразу положила трубку.

9) Пожилая женщина почувствовала усталость и решила прилечь.

10) Несутся ли куры зимой?

11. Translate into English using your active vocabulary:

1) Стоун рассматривал карту, как будто выдел её впервые. Всё это не могло не вызвать моё подозрение. Но я не мог спросить его прямо: мне не хотелось, чтобы он думал, что я придаю этому значение.

2) Мы уже собрались уходить, когда вдруг увидели лодку.

3) Вопрос исчерпан. Смирись с этим и смотри на всё случившееся как на неизбежное зло.

4) Этот курс обучения языку придаёт большое значение устной коммуникации.

5) Эти слухи вызвали большой интерес у инвесторов.

6) Я уже собирался раздеться и лечь в постель, когда вдруг раздался стук в дверь.

12. Answer the following questions in detail:

1) Who are the main characters of the story?

2) What was the main goal of their journey?

3) Did they manage to find the place of their destination?

4) What did they find there?

5) What came of it?


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