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D. H. Lawrence

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 461.



1. Read the story.

2. Study the following words, read them correctly and translate them into Russian:

clay, demure, matron, veritable, Protestant, conservatory, genteel, petticoat, dummy, dress-boots, blindfold, diminutive, overbearing.

3. Read and translate the following passages:

· p. 132 – “Mamma is… so genteel”.

· p. 134 – “When she got… was life”.

· p. 136 – “But Maria… out right”.

4. Study the following vocabulary items and remember the situations in which they are used by the author:

· p. 131 – spick and span

· p. 134 – to fall out

· p. 135 – to make room for

· p. 136 – to get cross over

· p. 136 – to accuse somebody of

· p. 137 – flesh and blood

· p. 137 – to strike somebody stone dead

· p. 137 – to put in a word for

· p. 137 – in good spirits

· p. 138 – to be moved.

5. Make up a situation of your own using not less than 7 items from the list above.

6. Translate the following sentence paying attention to the underlined word:

But Maria said she didn't like nuts and that they weren't to bother about her.

7. Study the list of synonyms and try to differentiate between them:

to bother, to trouble, to worry, to disturb, to be anxious.

8. Complete the following sentences using the verbs from the given list:

1) He works hard because he is _____ to succeed.

2) Tell Mother not _____ papers on my desk.

3) She _____ about little things.

4) Don't _____ to get dinner for me this evening, I'll eat at a restaurant.

5) The child _____ by a cough every autumn.

6) A good son _____ to please his parents.

7) I _____ by the news of my friend's illness.

8) He has always been weak and I _____ about his health.

9) Tell the children to stop _____ their father.

10) May I _____ you for a match?

11) Don't _____. Everything will be all right.

12) He threw a stone and _____ the smooth face of the lake.

13) It is not important, don't _____ your head about it.

9. Translate into English:

1) Я думаю, что кухня должна быть безупречно чистой.

2) Вы что, поссорились? Почему ты в плохом настроении? На что ты рассердился? – Он обвинил меня в том, что я не замолвил за него словечко, когда ему грозило увольнение.

3) Пожилой человек был тронут, когда малыш уступил ему место в автобусе.

4) Подростки, казалось, были разочарованы, когда убедились, что их кумир просто человек из плоти и крови.

5) Этот человек так подвёл меня. Разрази меня гром, если я ещё за кого-нибудь замолвлю словечко.

10. Analyse the word overbearing from the point of view of its structure and try to find some other words formed on analogy. Make up sentences with them.

11. Discuss the following questions in detail:

1) What was Maria? Where did she live? How did she get there?

2) What did the laundry women make of Maria?

3) What was she looking forward to?

4) What did she do on her way?

5) What is your impression of the evening?

6) How could you account for the title?




D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) – an English novelist and poet who influenced a great deal the English literature of the 20th century. He was born in the family of a miner whose wife was a former school-teacher. The conflicts in the family and the clashing of industrialization with the older agricultural life influenced his outlook and his creative work. In 1898 he won a scholarship to the Boys' High School in Nottingham and after some work and studies became a qualified teacher in 1908. In 1911 he published his first novel The White Peacock. This book and Sons and Lovers introduced a number of themes and ideas. A man should live and actually lives by instinct and impulse rather than by conscious mind. Besides novels he published some collections of short stories, several short stories, several volumes of poetry and some plays.


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