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HoneymoonDate: 2015-10-07; view: 437.
1. Read the story. 2. Study the following words, read them correctly and translate them into Russian: treacherous, éclair, serviette, squeak, gorgeous, squawking. 3. Read and translate the following passage: p. 205 – “Presently… was denied”. 4. Look up in the dictionary the meaning of the verbs implore, entreat, beg. Find in the text the sentences in which they are used. Think of your own sentences with these verbs. 5. Study the following vocabulary items and remember the situations in which they are used by the author: · to linger over/on something · to come into view · to thread one's way through/into something · a man of the world · to feel inclined to do something 6. Make up a situation using the items from the given list. 7. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases: fervently, seafront, to order about, to bob, to mutter, topping habitation, to prod, a fin, to be done, an old codger, to lap, a rush of love. 8. Translate the following into English: В тот день мистер Смит задержался за завтраком дольше, чем обычно, и ему пришлось буквально протискиваться к автобусной остановке по переполненной людьми улице. Он был опытным человеком, и его было трудно чем-нибудь озадачить. Но когда показалась крыша автобусной остановки, его сердце замерло. И у него возникло желание впредь вставать раньше и уходить на работу без завтрака. 9. Find the stylistic devices used in the story. What purpose do they serve? 10. Give a summary of the story and comment on it. 11. Give character sketches of husband and wife. Say what helps the author to write such clear descriptions of the characters in so short a story.