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Katherine MansfieldDate: 2015-10-07; view: 388. Things
1. Read the story. 2. Study the following words, read them correctly and translate them into Russian: boulevard, vine, poignant, theosophy, watchword, baroque, forfeiture, palazzo, hideous, crunch, expatriate, dwindle, warehouse, frustration, mayonnaise. 3. Read and translate the following passages: · p. 185 – “Yet it seemed… wood”. · p. 188 – “And so… world ”. · p. 190 – “Yes, unknown… holies”. 4. Study the following vocabulary items and remember the situations in which they are used by the author: · p. 148 – to make… dollars a year · p. 185 – to be attached to · p. 188 – to refrain from · p. 191 – to be thrilled by · p. 194 – to cherish · p. 195 – haughty, -ly · p. 196 – to pine for 5. Make up a situation using the items from the given list. 6. Explain the following: · the holy of holies · the Ark of Covenant · Sodom and Gomorrah 7. Use do or make in the following phrases: _____ money, _____ the garden, _____ an effort, _____ away with, _____ harm, _____ one's hair, _____ the best of something, _____ without, _____ fun of somebody, _____ progress, _____ oneself at home, _____ one's living, _____ a good job, _____ a good breakfast, _____one's best. 8. Translate the following sentences into English: 1) Вам следует воздержаться от поездки на юг: в вашем состоянии это принесёт вам вред. 2) Она мечтала иметь дом и семью, она была уверена, что сможет организовать всё так, что все друзья будут в восторге. 3) С тех пор как Оливер начал заниматься бизнесом и дела у него пошли неплохо, он зарабатывает несколько тысяч долларов в год, поэтому он может себе многое позволить. Но он держится так высокомерно, что общаться с ним трудно, к тому же он говорит только о деньгах. 4) Я лелею надежду, что потихоньку всё устроится, ребёнок привяжется к своей новой няне, ты снова пойдёшь работать. Смотри на это как на временные трудности. 9. Answer the following questions in detail: 1) Speak about the main characters of the story: their tastes, ideas, ambitions. 2) Why did they want to live in Europe? Where did they settle? 3) Why did they return to the United States? 4) What do you think about their coming to and leaving the US? 5) Give your variants of translation of the title into Russian.
Katherine Mansfield was born in New Zealand but educated in London. She became well-known after her three collections of short stories were published during her lifetime: In a German Pension (1911), Bliss and Other Stories (1920) and The Garden Party and Other Stories (1922). Two more collections were published soon after her death in 1923. Her stories show she was an original and experimental writer. She wrote some very short, clear descriptions of character or place as well as longer, more impressionistic stories of family life.