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Harvest in the Moon

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 639.


1. Read the story.

2. Read and translate the following passages:

· p. 207-208 – “Alexander… in manful anger”.

· p. 209-210 – “Springing up… for the night”.

3. Study the following vocabulary items and remember the situations in which they are used by the author:

· to urge somebody to do something (to urge somebody on)

· to break loose

· to be absorbed in something

· to be oblivious of/to something

· invincible

· to be beyond somebody

4. Make up a situation using the items from the given list.

5. Explain the meaning of the following words:

secrecy, triumphant, caress, to reprimand, encampment, calamity, to heed something, to be level with something, elation.

6. Make a list of phrases (sentences) that show the boy's attitude to Cathy.

7. Translate into English:

Друзья Анны знали, что ей было необходимо сдать экзамен по истории, иначе она будет исключена из университета. Но она, казалось, не осознавала опасности. Она говорила, что полностью погружена в изучение английского языка, а история ей не нравится, так как этот предмет выше её понимания. У неё было твёрдое убеждение, что преподаватель поставит ей «удовлетворительно» и без дополнительных усилий с её стороны.

8. Answer the following questions in detail:

1) Where is the scene laid?

2) How did the boy react when Cathy touched his fingers?

3) Why did the girl follow him in the hunt?

4) Both of them were excited lying in the ditch. Why?

5) What calamity did the boy become aware of?

6) How did the girl react to his excited entreaty to join him on the cart? Why?

7) Why was the behaviour of the girl beyond him?

9. Give a summary of the story and comment on it.


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