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On GuardDate: 2015-10-07; view: 719. Evelyn Waugh
Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966) is probably the greatest comic novelist of the country. His most characteristic novels are very satirical, with comically unsympathetic characters who are often very cruelly described, and stories that are amusing and often completely impossible to believe. As always with Waugh there is humour as well as a tone of regret in the description of the decline or fall of the old values and codes.
1. Read the story. 2. Study the following words, read them correctly and translate them into Russian: iodine, usurp, obnoxious, casket. 3. Read and translate the following passages: · pp. 302-303 – “It was not… reasonably content”. · pp. 315-316 – “Thus… the nose must go”. 4. Study the following vocabulary items and remember the situations in which they are used by the author: · p. 302 – a docile disposition · p. 305 – to remind somebody of/about something · p. 307 – to feel neglected · p. 312 – at somebody's request · p. 312 – to be up to something / doing something / no good · p. 313 – to resort to something / doing something 5. Make up a situation using the items from the given list. 6. Find in the story the synonyms for the following words: · p. 302 – obedient · p. 302 – boy · p. 302 – temperament · p. 303 – crowd · p. 308 – job · p. 313 – everyone · p. 314 – unpleasant · p. 315 – determination 7. Paraphrase the sentences with the following phrases: · p. 302 – a doughy-faced boy · p. 303 – make a packet in tobacco · p. 304 – grow despondent · p. 305 – mammoth stores · p. 306 – solicit attention · p. 310 – usurp the conversation · p. 313 – take against somebody · p. 315 – stave off an actual proposal 8. Translate the following sentences into English: Ýòîò ìàëü÷èê íå èç ïîñëóøíûõ äåòåé. Îí íèêîãäà íè÷åãî íå äåëàåò ïî ïåðâîìó òðåáîâàíèþ, åìó âñåãäà ïðèõîäèòñÿ íàïîìèíàòü î ñâîèõ îáÿçàííîñòÿõ. Âîò è ñåé÷àñ îí ÷òî-òî çàìûøëÿåò, è, ìíå êàæåòñÿ, íè÷åãî õîðîøåãî. Íàì ïðåäñòîèò ñ íèì ìíîãî õëîïîò. 9. Answer the following questions in detail: 1) What was Millicent's peculiar feature? 2) Why did Hector have to leave? 3) How was he going to make a packet? 4) Why did Hector grow despondent before his departure? 5) Why did he decide to buy a puppy for Millicent? 6) What commission did he give to the puppy? 7) Hector felt neglected at the station. Why? 8) What tricks did the puppy resort to? What was the result? 9) How did Sir Alexander differ from the rest of Millicent's suitors? 10) What did the puppy do to get rid of him? 11) Why do you think his tricks had no effect? 12) What desperate resolve did he come to to stave off the engagement? What was the result? 13) How do you think Millicent will spend the rest of her life? Is there any prospect of Hector's return? 10. Give a summary of the story. 11. Say what makes the story amusing.