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Learn the active vocabulary. Reproduce the situations it was used in.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 528.

to disappear 21

to laugh (at smb.) 21, 26

days (weeks) go by 21

to go to see smb. 22

gun 22, 30

a police station 22

servant 22

to question smb. 22, 33

next to 24

a light 24

to call smb. 26

to have bad/good dreams 26

fear(s) 26

in the daytime 28

strange 28

understanding 28

ceiling 28

snake 28

dangerous 28

frightening 28

careful 30

to climb (up/down/off) 30

to kill 32

take smth. out 24,32

one at a time 33

to turn to smb. 36

Use the active vocabulary to give the antonyms of the following words:floor, to cry, to appear, to put into, safe, careless, master, to have a nightmare, all at once, at night.

3. Correct the wrong statements. Make the ‘wrong parts' negative. Try to use ‘because', ‘that's why' ‘just the other way round' where possible.

a). Imray's friends wanted to find him and they wrote to his mother.

b). Tietjens often helped Strickland in his police work and the people of the town liked her and fed her.

c). When Strickland moved in Imray's house Tietjens slept in his bedroom.

d). One day Strickland invited the story-teller to visit him and stay for some days.

e). After an early dinner Strickland went back to town to buy good cigars for his friend.

f). While Strickland was away the story-teller read a newspaper and played with the dog.

g). Strickland explained to the story-teller that the dog liked to sleep in the garden.

h). The story-teller woke up at night and saw a strange person in the garden.

i). At dinner on the third evening the story-teller told Strickland that he was going to Delhi on business.

j). Suddenly a dangerous brown snake appeared near the door of the living-room.

k). Strickland took one of his guns and shot the snake.

l). Strickland asked Bahadur Khan to question the servants in the house.

m). Bahadur Khan's son killed his master.

o). Finally Strickland took the killer to the police station.

4. Fill in the prepositions where necessary (you may check them out by finding these sentences in the story):

a). I arrived … the town … about five o'clock one afternoon and found that there were no rooms …the hotel. b). She waited … Strickland to come and say a friendly ‘Hello' … me. c). Tietjens came and sat … me and put her head …my leg, looking sad. d). It was looking … us … its cold little eyes … a small door … the corner … the ceiling. e). ‘It's coming …! Be careful … there! Stand … ! f). Strickland called … him and the man came … the living room … any noise. g). When you came to live … this house, sir. After Mr. Imray suddenly went … … Europe, sir. h). Strickland was … him, pushing the gun … his back. i). I don't want to die … the hands … the police. j). Strickland called some of the policemen to take the two dead, Imray and his killer, … … the town. k). And the ghost … Imray did not walk … night … the house again.

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