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C) mixed

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 412.

B) a phraseological unit with

A) a finite verb/phrasal verb in

a) synthetic verb formWho brought him up?

b) analytical verb formI would've seen him.

a) aspect verbsHe gave a cry. (I)

b) abstract nounsHe made fun of us. (II)


A) nominal with

a) “being/remaining” verbsHe stood motionless. (III)

b) “becoming” verbsHe grew pale. (IV)

B) verbal with

a) modal verbsHe didn't want to fight. (V)

b) aspect verbsIt's going to snow. (VI)


(I) Simple phraseological with aspect verbs

to have a smoke/swim, to give a laugh/push/cry, to take a look/risk, to make a move/start, etc.


(II) Simple phraseological with abstract nouns

to take part/place/care/pity…, to lose sight/patience/weight…, to make fun/use/trouble…, to get rid/hold…, to make up one's mind, to change one's mind, etc.


(III) Compound nominal with verbs of “being”

to be, remain, keep, stay, continue, stand, sit, lie, keep silent

to seem, appear, prove, turn out, sound, look, taste, smell, feel good


(IV) Compound nominal with verbs of “becoming”

to become, get, grow, turn, go forty

to return, come, come back, leave, fall, die, marry, be born penniless.


(V) Compound verbalwith modal verbs and expressions

must, can, could, may, might, should, will/would (modal), be to, have to, ought to, need to do sth.

want, wish, desire, hope, expect, intend, be willing/anxious/able/capable/obliged to do sth


(VI) Compound verbalwith aspective verbs and expressions

to begin, start, commence, set about, be going to do sth

to continue, go on, proceed doing sth, used to do, would do(for repeated actions)

to stop, finish, cease, give up doing sth


* Rules on gerunds and infinitives - see previous material.


Exercise 3.1. Find the predicate and define its type.


1. 1. I'll get in touch with you very soon.

2. 2. The greater part of the boys came back low-spirited.

3. 3. Her first thought was to go away.

4. 4. He gave me an interesting book to read.

5. 5. The man gave a violent start.

6. 6. We are most anxious to cooperate.

7. 7. This book is nobody's.

8. 8. I began to feel rather hungry.

9. 9. First of all, we'll have a drink.

10. 10. Then he caught his breath, suddenly reminded of something else.

11. 11. My cousin will make a very good husband.

12. 12. She had to keep on resisting the impulse to turn around.

13. 13. The best thing is for her to do it immediately.

14. 14. The gate is locked. It has just been locked by my dad.

15. 15. He had been thinking of letting him escape.

16. 16. I stood amazed.

17. 17. Don't think I mean to be unkind.

18. 18. His bones ceased to ache.

19. 19. We intend going to Switzerland, and climbing Mount Blanc.

20. 20. Perhaps, I should grow a beard.

21. 21. She had grown both too proud and too passive.



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