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Symmetric vs asymmetric potential

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 458.

As we shall discuss, the general description leading from the trial function χ (x) to the final wave function ψ (x) that satisfies the Schroedinger equation (4.2) may be set in a more general framework. Decompose any potential V (x) into two parts



Next, extend the functions Va (x) and Vb (x) by defining



Thus, both Va (x) and Vb (x) are symmetric potential covering the entire x-axis. Let χa (x) and χb (x) be the ground state wave functions of the Hamiltonians T + Va and T + Vb:


(T+Va(x))χa(x)=Eaχa(x) (4.69a)



(T+Vb(x))χb(x)=Ebχb(x). (4.69b)

The symmetry (4.68) implies that



and at x = 0



Choose the relative normalization factors of χa and χb, so that at x = 0


χa(0)=χb(0). (4.72)

The same trial function (4.9) for the specific quartic potential (4.1) is a special example of






In general, from Figs. (4.69a) and (4.69b) we see that χ (x) satisfies



Depending on the relative magnitude of Ea and Eb, we define, in the case of Ea > Eb






otherwise, if Eb > Ea, we set






Thus, we have either



at all finite x, or



at all finite x. A comparison between Figs. (4.9), (4.10), (4.11), (4.12), (4.13), (4.14), (4.15), (4.16) and (4.17) and (4.73)–(4.77a) shows that w (x) of (4.14) and the above differs only by a constant.

As in (4.2), ψ (x) is the ground state wave function that satisfies


(T+V(x))ψ(x)=(x), (4.79)

which can also be written in the same form as (1.14)






Here, unlike (1.32), V (x) can now also be asymmetric. Taking the difference between ψ (x) times (4.75) and χ (x) times (4.80), we derive





ψ(x)=χ(x)f(x), (4.83)

in which f (x) satisfies



On account of Figs. (4.82) and (4.83), the same equation can also be written as



Eq. (4.80) will again be solved iteratively by introducing


ψn(x)=χ(x)fn(x) (4.86)

with ψn and its associated energy determined by






In terms of fn (x), we have



On account of (4.88), we also have






For definiteness, let us assume that


Ea>Eb (4.92)

in Figs. (4.69a) and (4.69b); therefore and , in accordance with (4.76a). Start with, for n = 0,


f0(x)=1, (4.93)

we can derive {En} and {fn (x)}, with



by using the boundary conditions, either






It is straightforward to generalize the Hierarchy theorem to the present case. As in Section 3, in Case (A), the validity of the Hierarchy theorem imposes no condition on the magnitude of . But in Case (B) we assume to be not too large so that (4.91) and the boundary condition fn (−∞) = 1 is consistent with


fn(x)>0 (4.95)

for all finite x. From the Hierarchy theorem, we find in Case (A)


E1>E2>E3> (4.96)



1 f1(x) f2(x) f3(x) , (4.97)

while in Case (B)


E1>E3>E5> (4.98)


E2<E4<E6< (4.99)


1 f1(x) f3(x) f5(x) (4.100)



1 f2(x) f4(x) f6(x) . (4.101)

A soluble model of an asymmetric square-well potential is given in Appendix A to illustrate these properties.

5. The N-dimensional problem

The N-dimensional case will be discussed in this section. We begin with the electrostatic analog introduced in Section 1. Suppose that the (n − 1)th iterative solution fn − 1 (q) is already known. The nth order charge density σn (q) is



in accordance with Figs. (1.23) and (1.24). Likewise, from Figs. (1.26) and (1.29) the dielectric constant κ of the medium is related to the trial function (q) by


κ(q)= 2(q) (5.2)

and the nth order energy shift is determined by



In the following we assume the range of w (q) to be finite, with


w()=0 (5.4)



0 w(q) Wmax. (5.5)




where δ (w (q) − W) is Dirac's δ-function, W is a constant parameter and the integrations in Figs. (5.3) and (5.6) are over all q-space. Similarly, for any function F (q), we define



In the N-dimensional case, the generalization of [F], introduced by (3.15), is



In terms of Fav (W), (5.8) can also be written as



Thus from Figs. (5.1) and (5.3) we have



the n-dimensional extension of (3.14).

Following Figs. (1.27) and (1.28), the nth order electric field is and the displacement field is



The corresponding Maxwell equation is


·Dn=σn. (5.12)

Eqs. Figs. (5.11) and (5.12) determine fn except for an additive constant, which can be chosen by requiring





fn(q) 1. (5.14)

As in the one-dimensional case discussed in Section 3, (5.10) gives the same condition of fine energy tuning at each order of iteration. It is this condition that leads to convergent iterative solutions derived in Section 3. We now conjecture that






also hold in higher dimensions. Although we are not able to establish this conjecture, in the following we present the proofs of the N-dimensional generalizations of some of the lemmas proved in Section 3.

Lemma 1

For any pair fm(q) and fl(q) if at all W within the range (5.5),







For any function , define



Thus for any function F (q), we have


[F(q)]= Fav(W) ; (5.20)







By setting the subscript n in (5.10) to be m + 1, we obtain



Also by definition (5.19),



The difference of Figs. (5.23) and (5.24) gives



From (5.10) and setting the subscript n to be l + 1, we have



Regard and as two constant parameters. Multiply (5.25) by , (5.26) by and take their difference. The result is



analogous to (4.43).

(i) If , then for



Thus, the function inside the bracket in (5.21) is positive, being the product of two negative factors, and . Also, when , these two factors both reverse their signs. Consequently (5.17) holds.

(ii) If , we see that for , (5.28) reverses its sign, and therefore the function inside the bracket in (5.27) is now negative. The same negative sign can be readily established for . Consequently, (5.18) holds and Lemma 1 is established.

Lemma 2

Identical to Lemma 2 of Section 3.

In order to establish the N-dimensional generalization of Lemma 3 of Section 3, we define



Because of (5.3), Qn (W) is also given by



We may picture that the entire q-space is divided into two regions






with Qn (W) the total charge in I, which is also the negative of the total charge in II. By using Figs. (5.1) and (5.7), we see that



Lemma 3

For any pair fm (q) and fl (q) if at all W within the range (5.5)






Note that Figs. (5.34) and (5.35) are very similar to Figs. (3.56) and (3.57). As in (3.60), define



From (5.33), we have


















analogous to Figs. (3.61), (3.62), (3.63) and (3.64).

According to (5.30), at W = 0


Qm+1(0)=Ql+1(0)=0 (5.43)

and according to (5.29), at W = Wmax


Qm+1(Wmax)=Ql+1(Wmax)=0. (5.44)

From (5.37), we see that the derivative is positive when , zero at , and negative when . Likewise, from (5.38), is positive when , zero at and negative when . Their ratio determines .

(i) If , from Lemma 1, we have



and therefore, on account of (5.42)



At W = 0,



As W increases, so does r (W). At , r (W) has a discontinuity, with






As W increases from , r (W) continues to increase, with






It is convenient to divide the range 0 < W < Wmax into three regions:







Assuming , we shall show separately in these three regions.

In region B, Ql + 1 is decreasing, but Qm + 1 is increasing. Clearly,



In region A, , r (W) is positive according to Figs. (5.47) and (5.48) and is always >0 from (5.46). Therefore from (5.41),



In region C, , but r (W) and are both positive. Hence,



Within each region, η = Qm + 1 (W) and ξ = Ql + 1 (W) are both monotonic in W; therefore η is a single-valued function of ξ and we can apply Lemma 2 of Section 3.

In region A, at W = 0 both Qm + 1 (0) and Ql + 1 (0) are 0 according to (5.43), but their ratio is given by






Furthermore, from (5.56), . It follows from Lemma 2 of Section 3, the ratio η/ξ is an increasing function of ξ. Since



we also have



In region C, at W = Wmax, both Qm + 1 (Wmax) and Ql + 1 (Wmax) are 0 according to (5.44). Their ratio is



which gives at W = Wmax



As W decreases from Wmax to in region C, since , we have



Furthermore, from (5.57), in region C. It follows from Lemma 2 of Section 3, the ratio η/ξ is a decreasing function of ξ, which together with (5.64) lead to



Thus, we prove Case (i) of Lemma 3. Case (ii) of Lemma 3 follows from Case (i) by an exchange of the subscripts m and l. Lemma 3 is then proved.

So far, the above lk and lk are almost identical copies of lk and lk of Section 3, but now applicable to the N-dimensional problem. Difficulty arises when we try to generalize Lemma 4 of Section 3.

It is convenient to transform the Cartesian coordinates q1, q2, … , qN to a new set of orthogonal coordinates:


(q1,q2,…,qN)→(w(q),β1(q),…,βN-1(q)) (5.66)



w· βi=0 (5.67)




where i or j = 1, 2, … , N − 1. Introducing





In terms of the new coordinates, the components of Dn are



Its divergence is



Combining (5.12) with (5.30), we have






in which the integration is along the surface


w(q)=W. (5.75)

From Figs. (5.11) and (5.71), it follows that



In terms of curvilinear coordinates, (5.7) can be written as



Substituting (5.76) into (5.74), we find



Because , (5.78) can also be written as



Here comes the difficulty. While the above Lemma 3 transfers relations between to those between Qm + 1/Ql + 1, the latter is



which is quite different from . This particular generalization of the lemmas in higher dimensions fails to establish the Hierarchy Theorem.

For the one-dimensional case discussed in Section 3, we have w′ < 0 and x 0; consequently (5.80) is . Therefore, Lemma 4 of Section 3 can also be established by using (5.80), and the proof of the Hierarchy Theorem can be completed.


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